
La Capella Ducale, Musica Fiata, Roland Wilson: Schütz: Schwanengesang [2CD]

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Barokowa Muzyka Klasyczna
premiera polska:
kontynent: Europa
opakowanie: Jewelcaseowe etui

Editor's info:
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) had already completed his eightieth year when he set the 119th Psalm to music with almost youthful freshness. The enormous text poem apparently offered him a musical challenge of the highest caliber and, in terms of content, the opportunity to write down his unshakable faith in a powerful confession. He supplemented this so-called swan song with his creative examination of Psalm 100 and the German Magnificat - two hymns of praise to the greatness of the Lord in whose hand he felt secure. A not inconsiderable problem to be solved here, as with so many works of the time, is the question of instrumentation. The original indications are often enough approximate, and in actual performances one often had to make do with what was available. Roland Wilson, a pronounced connoisseur of the matter, has thoroughly researched the historical sources of the work and Schütz's indications. The result of this research is a recording of extraordinary color and impressive richness of variety - a worthy credo and a testimony to artistic care all in one.

La Capella Ducale, Musica Fiata, Roland Wilson

Schütz: Deine Zeugnisse sind wunderbarlich, SWV 490
Schütz: Deutsches Magnificat, SWV 494 'Meine Seele erhebt den Herren'
Schütz: Du tust Guts deinem Knecht, SWV 486
Schütz: Gedenke deinem Knechte an dein Wort, SWV 485
Schütz: Ich hasse die Flattergeister, SWV 489
Schütz: Ich rufe von ganzen Herzen, SWV 491
Schütz: Meine Seele verlangt nach deinem Heil, SWV 487
Schütz: Psalm 100: Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt, SWV 493
Schütz: Schin und Thau, SWV 492
Schütz: Tue wohl deinem Knechte, SWV 483
Schütz: Wie habe ich dein Gesetze so lieb, SWV 488
Schütz: Wohl denen, die ohne Wandel leben, SWV 482
Schütz: Zeige mir, Herr, den Weg, SWV 484

wydano: 1st Dec 2023



Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)
La Capella Ducale, Musica Fiata, Roland Wilson
Schütz: Schwanengesang [2CD]
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