Polityka prywatności
Zasady dostawy
Zasady reklamacji
premiera polska: 2018-09-01
seria wydawnicza: t-shirt / koszulka z nadrukiem
All Black T-Shirt with Astronome logo on front and artwork on back. Size: XL.
As with shoe sizes, T-Shirt sizes have variances from country to country. For instance, an American 'medium' may be smaller than what is considered medium in Europe or elsewhere. If you are ordering from abroad and selecting size based on wanting a tight fit, we suggest you choose one size larger, or else the fit may be TOO tight!
Please NOTE: The back of this shirt is BLACK INK, not grey as the picture might imply, on Black cloth. The printing is visible to the eye, when worn, via the variance in reflectivity of the differing surfaces.
the chest - 116 cm
wydano: 2006-06-01
more info: www.tzadik.com