Polityka prywatności
Zasady dostawy
Zasady reklamacji
Klasyczna Muzyka Barokowa / Klasycyzm
premiera polska: 2023-03-15
opakowanie: Digipackowe etui
Editor's Info:
Mozart’s Requiem was not performed in Paris until 1804, in a version slightly different from the composer’s original score. The press reported a triumph. That same year also saw the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte – who had brought back a pronounced taste for Italian music from his Mediterranean conquests. He appointed the Neapolitan Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816) as his maître de chapelle and commissioned him to write the music for his coronation: a Solemn Mass in B flat major. The Palazzetto Bru Zane has produced the modern edition of the work that is recorded here. Aside from the sumptuous events of 1804, the other year that links Napoleon to Mozart is 1841, when the Requiem was heard once more, this time at Les Invalides as Napoleon’s remains entered the building for their final burial. Sandrine Piau, Chantal Santon, Eléonore Pancrazi, Mathias Vidal and Thomas Dolié are the soloists in this programme, with Julien Chauvin conducting his ensemble Le Concert de la Loge and the Namur Chamber Choir.
Sandrine Piau (soprano), Chantal Santon Jeffery (soprano), Éléonore Pancrazi (mezzo), Mathias Vidal (tenor), Thomas Dolié (baritone)
Le Concert de la Loge, Chœur de Chambre de Namur, Julien Chauvin
Bochsa: Prélude pour harpe
Mozart: Requiem in D minor, K626
Paisiello: Messe pour le sacre de Napoléon
wydano: 03/2023
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