
Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids: We Be All Africans

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(. . .) Mamy więc na We Be All Africans proste nawiązania do afrobeatu. Mamy też kapitalne tematy odnoszące się do kosmicznej muzyki zespołu Sun Ra Arkestra. Silent Days, w którym partię wokalną Ackamoora dubluje Bajka, wokalistka i poetka młodszego pokolenia mieszkająca w Niemczech, przynosi temat przypominający co bardziej liryczne klasyki Sun Ra. (...) płyta Ackamoora bije na głowę ostatnie realizacje The Heliocentrics i pozostaje raczej pełnym życia albumem wskrzeszonego nurtu niż muzealnym zestawem granym w ramach zajęć z historii muzyki przez kółko młodych pasjonatów" (. . .)
autor: Bartek Chaciński

Editor's Info:
Strut are proud to present the brand new studio album from West Coast jazz mavericks, The Pyramids, led by their inspirational bandleader, Idris Ackamoor.

Alto saxophonist Ackamoor first met Margo Simmons (flute) and Kimathi Asante (electric bass) whilst students together at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio where one of their teachers was renowned pianist, Cecil Taylor. After founding the band in Paris in 1972, performing in Holland and embarking on a “cultural odyssey” across Africa, the group recorded three independent albums (Lalibela in 1973, King Of Kings in 1974 and Birth / Speed / Merging in 1976) and became renowned for their striking live shows, mixing percussive, spiritual and space-age jazz with performance, theatre, and dance. After migrating to San Francisco to perform on the Bay Area arts scene, they disbanded in 1977 after a final show at the UC Berkeley Jazz Festival.

Almost 30 years later, The Pyramids reunited unexpectedly following growing demand for their music from vinyl collectors and jazz fans and embarked on the first of many European tours featuring original members, as well as a fresh line-up including renowned percussionist Kenneth Nash. In 2012 the group signed to German label Disko B who released a new album, the freeform Otherworldly and all three albums from their rare back catalogue. Idris was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by DJ Gilles Peterson at his Worldwide Awards and The Pyramids were back, gaining a whole new legion of fans.

For their new album, We Be All Africans, the group traveled to Berlin to hunker down in Max Weissenfeldt’s analogue Philophon studio. The result is a sparkling set of Afro- jazz-funk fusions, from the infectious chants of the title track to the reflective “Epiphany” and the yearning, mournful future single, “Silent Days” featuring the brilliant vocals of Bajka. Weissenfeldt released the first fruits from the sessions, ‘Rhapsody In Berlin’ as a limited 45 during 2015 and the album features the full unedited version.

‘We Be All Africans’ is a message of survival. A message of renewal. A message that we are all brothers and sisters. We are all one family, the human family and we need one another in order to survive on this planet that we all share.
by Idris Ackamoor



Strut Records
Idris Ackamoor & Pyramids
We Be All Africans
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