opis: Ponad 20 lat potrzebował Thierry Zeno aby zebrać nagrania zgromadzone na tej płycie. Społeczność Indian z regionu Chiapas w Meksyku jest bardzo zamknięta kulturowo, dlatego do dzisiaj spotkać tam mozna rytualne obrzędy.Pierwotna uroda tych nagrań nie pozostawia słuchacza obojętnym.
Editor's info: When the sun is out, our ancestors played the drums and the bugle. They asked Jesus to let them live. Our fathers and mothers said a bird would come and put us to death. If the sun went out, our chickens and turkeys would eat us...
Some 150.000 Tzotziles live in the high plateaus in the state of Chiapas. They form, with the Tzeltales, a closely related tribe, one of the most prominent Indian communities in Mexico. Of Mayan extraction, they retain a traditional life comparatively devoid of hispanic influence. The Chenalho community is made up of 18.000 Tzotziles and 2.000 Ladinos (hispanisized half breeds).
The Tzotzile religion is a syncretic fusion of Christianity which was imposed on them and their surviving ancestral beliefs. They venerate not only heaven and earth, but also the statues of the saints which are believed to be more than idols with non-Indian faces. They dress them up in their cloths and jewels, wreath them in flowers, burn incense to them, cover them in oil and make offerings of alcohol, and, more recently, of Coca-cola and Pepsi... which are in fact the most expensive of drinks.
The traditional Tzotzile orchestra is made up of instruments of their own fabrication -harps, guitars, drums, little fiddles, and water pipes that mimic bird song.
Sub Rosa (BE)
Różni Wykonawcy - Tzotziles
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