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Sam Newsome & Lucian Ban: The Romanian - American Jazz Suite

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Avant Jazz / Modal Jazz
premiera polska:
kontynent: Europa
kraj: Norwegia
opakowanie: Jewelcaseowe etui

Projekt amerykańskiego saksofonisty Sama Newsome i pochodzącego z Rumunii pianisty Luciana Bana, łączący elementy tradycyjnej rumuńskiej muzyki folkowej z modalnym jazzem.

Sam Newsome
W prestiżowych rankingach Down Beat, Jazz Times wymieniany jest jako jeden z trzech najlepszych saksofonistów sopranowych na świecie. Nagrał siedem autorskich płyt, pojawił się też na ponad 40 albumach, grając u boku takich osobowości jak Terence Blanchard, Leon Parker, Jean Michel Pilc.
Krytycy cenią go przede wszystkim za emocjonalny charakter gry oraz nieustanne poszerzanie języka nowoczesnego jazzu.

Lucian Ban
Mieszkający w Nowym Jorku rumuński pianista i kompozytor, uznawany za jednego z najbardziej utalentowanych muzyków, którzy przybyli do NY w ciągu ostatniej dekady.
Nagrał sześć autorskich albumów w USA i Europie. Koncerty jego grupy Lumination z udziałem legendarnego perkusisty, Barry"ego Altschula została wyróżniona przez nowojorski All About Jazz w kategorii Najlepszy Show 2003 roku.

Editor's info:
The unique collaboration between American soprano sax player Sam Newsome and Romanian pianist Lucian Ban, both players on the New York jazz scene for several years. A very cool little record that's exactly what it promises in the title - a killer combination of American jazz and Romanian roots - played here by a group with some especially nice work on reeds! At its best moments, the album's got a sound that takes us back to some of the best jazz-meets-world projects from the European scene of the late 60s and early 70s - as traditional Romanian numbers are reworked into jazzy groovers, with a nice emphasis on groovy rhythms, plus some exotic sounds from the soloists.

This unique collaboration between American soprano sax player Sam Newsome and Romanian pianist Lucian Ban, both players on the New York jazz scene for several years, offers further evidence that jazz is indeed a universal language in the 21st century. Drawing on traditional Romanian folk melodies, Newsome and Ban cleverly reconfigure age-old material with their cross-cultural crew of Americans Alex Harding on baritone sax and Willard Dyson on drums, and Romanians Sorin Romanescu on guitar and Arthur Balogh on bass. They debuted “The Romanian-American Jazz Suite” in 2004 at the Bucharest International Jazz Festival and later got support from the Romanian Cultural Institute of New York to mount a week of performances at colleges and music venues throughout New York in 2007. This document of the suite, recorded at Systems Two in Brooklyn, is now available on the Norwegian label Jazzaway Records.
The buoyant opener, “Transilvanian Dance,” is a reinvention of a popular folkloric melody, fueled by Dyson’s funky backbeat and featuring some earthy call-and-response exchanges between Harding’s blistering bari and Newsome’s sinewy soprano sax lines. The relaxed and lovely “Carol” is Ban’s arrangement of a favorite Christmas carol he remembers from his youth in Romania. Harding switches to bass clarinet here and plays alongside Newsome’s soprano in a choral-like manner behind Romanescu’s lyrical guitar melody and Ban’s gentle piano accompaniment.
Ban’s rhythmically charged “Danube Stroll” incorporates Arabic scales that are heard in folk music from the southern regions of Romania. Romanescu blows over the form in fluid, Mike Stern-ish fashion while Newsome explores the outer edges of the blues structure. Ban follows with a provocative piano solo, heavy on dissonance and spiky interjections. “Home” is a sparse, introspective duet between Newsome and Ban, with Romanescu supplying near-subliminal textural guitar swells. The slow and somber “Prelude” is Newsome’s meditative composition built on a five-note pentatonic scale common in Asian music, while his two-part “Bucharest” suite makes use of the minor scale that is prevalent in Arabic, Turkish and Jewish folk music. Part one is a mesmerizing slow march in 4/4 that features Harding in a subdued, lyrical solo. Part two is an energized 7/4 romp that allows for some extensive stretching by Newsome on soprano sax and Romanescu on guitar, with some additional avant-gardish excursions by Harding on baritone sax. Harding also summons up some low-end bari bluster on “Colinda,” an engaging Romanian folk melody cleverly re-arranged by Newsome. And the collection closes on a tender note with the sparse, telepathic duet between the two principals on “Where Is Home?,” a companion piece to “Home.”
by Bill Milkowski

Sam Newsome (sop sax & arr)
Lucian Ban (piano & arr)
Arthur Balogh (bass)
Alex Harding (bari sax & bass cl)
Sorin Romanescu (guitar)
Willard Dyson (drums)

1. Transilvanian Dance 7:19
2. Carol 6:47
3. Danube Stroll 8:14
4. Home 4:08
5. Prelude 2:23
6. Colinda 6:07
7. Bucharest Part One 7:06
8. Bucharest Part Two 10:23
9. Where Is Home? 4:44

total time - 57:11
wydano: 2008
nagrano: Recorded, mixed and mastered on October 30, November 4th and November 6th, 2007

more info: www.jazzaway.com
more info2: www.lucianban.com



Jazzaway (NO)
Sam Newsome & Lucian Ban
The Romanian - American Jazz Suite
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