Polityka prywatności
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Zasady reklamacji
Klasyczna Muzyka Symfoniczna / Klasycyzm
premiera polska: 2024-11-08
opakowanie: Singlefoldowe etui
Editor's Info
The Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century is one of the most prominent period instrument orchestras in the world. The musicians play internationally in leading (chamber) music ensembles and meet several times a year for performances of iconic and lesser-known repertoire. In the early 1980s, under the direction of legendary conductor and early music specialist Frans Bruggen, the orchestra achieved world fame by performing major symphonic works on original instruments and in a historically informed manner. In 2001, the orchestra dedicated itself to Mozart's famous Clarinet Concerto K. 622, with soloist Eric Hoeprich interpreting this work on the basset clarinet, a historical clarinet form on which Mozart's concerto was originally played and which was specially modelled after an illustration for this recording. This wonderful recording is now available on LP for the first time.
Eric Hoeprich, Teunis van der Zwart, Orchestra of the 18th Century, Frans Bruggen
Mozart: Klarinettenkonzert KV 622
Mozart: Hornkonzert Nr. 3 KV 447
wydano: 29th Nov 2024
more info: www.glossamusic.com