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Zasady reklamacji
Klasyczna Muzyka Barokowa / Klasycyzm
premiera polska: 2024-10-27
opakowanie: Digipackowe etui
Editor's Info
Moving from the style galant to the Age of Revolutions, this album is an invitation to discover half a century of the cello concerto’s history. A few years after a sensational first volume devoted to C. P. E. Bach, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Riccardo Minasi and Ensemble Resonanz pay tribute to the hypersensitivity of the cello and honour with panache the transcendental virtuosity of the unjustly overlooked Antonín Kraft!
BBC Music Magazine * * * * *
The partnership proves to be exceptional, Minasi eliciting both honed and dynamically varied timbre from the ensemble…Queyras is equally compelling, adopting a beautifully sculpted melodic line adorned with light elegant bowing that feathers the phrase.
Gramophone Magazine
Ensemble Resonanz – period manners on (mainly) modern instruments – once again provide confident, driving accompaniment, both in the Kraft and in the more genteel, lyrical B flat Concerto of CPE Bach.
The New York Times
Written around the turn of the 19th century, [the Kraft] harks back to the style of a few decades earlier, but without any staleness…the finale — a “Rondo alla Cosacca” with an elegant cast over its folkish robustness — is a hearty showcase for Queyras’s rich tone and easy virtuosity, down to the wittily understated ending.
Jean-Guihen Queyras (cello), Ensemble Resonanz, Riccardo Minasi
C P E Bach: Cello Concerto No. 2 in B flat major, Wq. 171 (H436)
Antonin Kraft: Cello Concerto in C Major, Op. 4
wydano: August 2024
more info: www.harmoniamundi.com