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Klasyczna Muzyka Dawna
premiera polska: 2023-07-12
opakowanie: Digipackowe etui
Editor's info:
Born in the Prince-Bishopric of Liege, Antoine Gosswin was recruited at a very young age by the Bavarian court chapel, where he was in frequent contact with Orlando di Lasso and accompanied the Emperor Maximilian II on his travels. Esteemed as a singer and composer, he was also part of the violin band employed by Duke Albert V at the legendary wedding of Prince William in 1568. Gosswin would go on to conduct the chapel of Prince Ernest, Bishop of Freising and later of Liege, to whom he dedicated his Newe teutsche Lieder. Extremely prolific, Gosswin produced several masses and motets as well as madrigals and German songs in which he continued the musical developments initiated by his master Lasso.
Le Miroir de Musique, Baptiste Romain
Gosswin, A: Ad te levavi oculos meos
Gosswin, A: Der Wein, der schmeckt mir also wohl
Gosswin, A: Die Fasnacht ist ein schöne Zeit
Gosswin, A: Eolo crudel come turbasti l’onde
Gosswin, A: Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesu Christ
Gosswin, A: Im Land zu Wirtenberg so gut
Gosswin, A: Im Maien hört man die Hannen kreen
Gosswin, A: Ist keiner hie, der spricht zu mir
Gosswin, A: Laetatus sum
Gosswin, A: Missa cognovi Domine: Kyrie
Gosswin, A: Missa cognovi Domine: Sanctus
Gosswin, A: Missa ferialis: Kyrie
Gosswin, A: Missa ferialis: Sanctus
Gosswin, A: Missa invidiosa amor: Agnus Dei
Gosswin, A: Non trovo cosa alcuna s'io non pago
Gosswin, A: Qual meraviglia se mi piacqu’il bosco
Gosswin, A: Vatter unser im Himelreich
Gosswin, A: Vor Zeiten was ich lieb und werth
wydano: 7th Jul 2023
more info: www.outhere-music.com