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Klasyczna Muzyka Dawna
premiera polska: 2023-01-22
opakowanie: Digipackowe etui
Editor's info:
Under the label Alia Vox Diversa , Jordi Savall invites the ensemble Tasto Solo, founded in 2006, whose first albums were critically acclaimed : Diapason d’or, Amadeus “CD du Mois”, Ritmo & Audio Clásica “Excellent”, Pizzicato “Supersonic”, Scherzo “Exception- Nel”, France Musique “Coup de Coeur”... It brings us back to the Europe of the XVIIth Century , which experienced an unparalleled development of treatises about the art of instru- mental and vocal performance. Italy was the epic enter of a new style derived from the world of dance. This album revolves mainly around the work of composer Vincenzo Ruffo and his contemporaries. The instruments used in the present recording are typical of the Italian culture of the early Renaissance in chamber music : a small harpsichord without damper in the upper register, a simple harp, a viola da gamba and a lute.
Anne-Kathryn Olsen (soprano), Riccardo Pisami (baritone), Bertrand Cuiller (harpsichord), Berengere Sardin (harp), Pau Marco (viola bastarda), Bor Zuljan (lute), Guillermo Perez (organetto)
Arcadelt: O Felici Occhi Miei
Castell'Arquato: Pavana & Saltarello
Castell'Arquato: Ricercare
Ferrabosco, D: Io mi son giovinetta
Gero: Madonna io v'amo
Ruffo, V: Da' bei rami scendea
Ruffo, V: Dormendo un giorno
Ruffo, V: El Cromato
Ruffo, V: Gentil mia donna
Ruffo, V: La Disperata
Ruffo, V: La Gamba in Basso, e Soprano
Ruffo, V: Lieti felici spiriti
Ruffo, V: Martin menoit
Ruffo, V: Quand'io penso al martire
Verdelot: Dormend'un giorno a Baia
wydano: 20th Jan 2023
more info: www.alia-vox.com