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Klasyczna Muzyka Barokowa
premiera polska: 25.05.2018
opakowanie: digipackowe etui
Finalist - Solo Vocal of Gramophone Awards 2019
Diapason d’Or June 2018
Diapason d’Or de l’Année 2018 - Winner - Musique baroque
Schallplattenkritik Awards 2018
… The title may be ‘Perpetual Night’ but there’s absolutely nothing gloomy or unremitting about this delicious disc and its chiaroscuro play of shading and texture…Lawes and Locke may never quite have Purcell’s pulling-power on a recording but that disparity has rarely sounded more misplaced than it does here …
Editor's info:
The circulation of artists and sovereigns between France and England in the seventeenth century resulted in the establishment of highly original genres in the latter country: the first recitatives, large-scale airs from masques and dramatic ‘scenes’ provided fertile ground for experimentation and prepared the way for the birth of semi-opera. Sébastien Daucé explores this English vocal art.. In a programme tailor-made for one of today’s most fascinating voices: Lucile Richardot, in the exquisite setting provided by Ensemble Correspondances, subtly blends music, love, night and melancholy.
Lucile Richardot (contralto)
Ensemble Correspondances, Sébastien Daucé
John Banister (1630-79): Amintas, that true hearted swain
John Banister (1630-79): Give me my lute
John Blow (1649-1708): Epilogue: Sing, Sing ye Muses
John Blow (1649-1708): Poor Celadon, he sighs in vain
John Coprario (c.1570-1626): Go, happy man
James Hart (1647-1718): Adieu to the Pleasures and Follies
John Hilton (c.1560-1608): Rise, princely shepherd
John Jackson (d.1689): Phillis, oh! turn that face away
John Jenkins (1592-1678): Pavan No. 2 in F
Robert Johnson (1583–1633): Care-charming sleep
William Lawes (1602-45): Britanocles the great and good appears
William Lawes (1602-45): Justitia Sacrum (Whieles I This Standing Lake)
William Lawes (1602-45): Music, the master of thy art is dead
Matthew Locke (c.1622-77): Sarabande
Henry Purcell (1659-95): When Orpheus Sang
Robert Ramsey (fl.1610-44): Go perjur'd man! And if you e'er return
Robert Ramsey (fl.1610-44): Howl not, you ghosts and furies
Robert Ramsey (fl.1610-44): What Tears, dear Prince?
William Webb (fl.1620-56): Pow'rful Morpheus, let thy charms
more info: www.harmoniamundi.com