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Jazz / Modern Jazz / Indie Jazz
premiera polska: 14.01.2022
opakowanie: Singlefold
Soundtrack stworzony przez Milesa Davisa i Michel Legranda do filmu "Dingo" to przykład udanej współpracy muzyka jazzowego, niebylejakiego, bo samego Milesa z doskonale znanym kompozytorem filmowym - Michelem Legrandem. Film wyreżyserowany przez Rolfa de Heera z 1990 roku świat zapamiętał głównie właśnie dzięki znakomitej muzyce. Pianistę i kompozytora Michela Legranda, kojarzymy raczej z muzyką filmową. Ale zafascynował się jazzem pod koniec lat 50. i nagrał kilka albumów w tym stylu. Ciekawostką jest fakt, że Miles Davis w samym filmie zagrał jedną z głównych ról.
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In 1990 Miles Davis starred in a movie about a veteran trumpeter (talk about typecasting) and had a rare opportunity to play part of the time in a straightahead setting. Fellow trumpeter Chuck Findley performs the solos for a younger musician who befriends Davis and Michel Legrand arranged and composed the music. There are some good moments on these selections (Findley actually overshadows Davis in some places) but since this is a soundtrack, the music does not often stand up that well by itself. It's a worthy effort but is sure to become an obscurity.
by Scott Yanow
Jimmy Cleveland – trombone
Buddy Collette – woodwind
Miles Davis – trumpet
Marty Krystall – woodwind
Michel Legrand – keyboards, arranger and conductor
Alphonse Mouzon – drums, percussion
Charles Owens – woodwind
Kei Akagi – keyboards
Richard Todd – French horn
Foley – bass
John Bigham – drums, percussion
George Bohanon – trombone
Oscar Brashear – trumpet
Ray Brown – trumpet
David Duke – French horn
Chuck Findley – trumpet
Kenny Garrett – alto saxophone
George Graham – trumpet
Bill Green – woodwind
Thurman Green – trombone
Marni Johnson – French horn
Jackie Kelso – woodwind
Abraham Laboriel – bass
Harvey Mason Sr. – drums, percussion
Lew McCreary – trombone
Dick Nash – trombone
Alan Oldfield – keyboards
Benny Rietveld – bass
Mark Rivett – guitar
Nolan Andrew Smith – trumpet
John Stephens – woodwind
Ricky Wellman – drums, percussion
Vincent DeRosa – French horn
Terrance Thomas – Saxophone
A1. Kimberley Trumpet 2:41
A2. The Arrival 2:07
A3. Concert On The Runway 4:14
A4. The Departure 1:59
A5. Dingo Howl 0:44
A6. Letter As Hero 1:23
A7. Trumpet Cleaning 3:58
A8. The Dream 3:51
A9. Paris Walking II 3:17
B1. Paris Walking I 2:05
B2. Kimberley Trumpet In Paris 2:15
B3. The Music Room 2:42
B4. Club Entrance 4:16
B5. The Jam Session 6:29
B6. Going Home 2:11
B7. Surprise! 5:17
wydano: 2022-01-14 (1991)
Recorded at Crystal Studios, Los Angeles, CA, on March 1990