…Gdy w 1989 roku pojawił się w NY, zdobył przydomek "Chrzestny syn groove", dość szybko środowisko połapało się, że ten młodzieniec z Filadelfii ma nieograniczone możliwości.
Dziś McBride może wylegitymować się blisko czterema setkami obcych sesji nagraniowych, siedmioma statuetkami GRAMMY i 22 uznanymi przez krytyków autorskimi albumami.
Mack Avenue przygotowało prawdziwy rarytas. Zarejestrowany w grudniu 2014 roku, koncert w legendarnym Village Vanguard jego grupy Inside Straight.
Nietypowa obsada instrumentalna - kontrabas/fortepian/wibrafon/saksofon/perkusja, daje doskonały efekt końcowy. Christian McBride - lider w żadnym momencie nie stara się zdominować muzyki. Muzycy bez wątpienia grają nowoczesny jazz, nie zapominając ani na chwilę o jego korzeniach…
Polityka prywatności
Zasady dostawy
Zasady reklamacji
Jazz / Straightahead / Mainstream Jazz
premiera polska: 10.01.2022
opakowanie: digipack
Ten basista ma za sobą współpracę z artystami różnej maści, od Jamesa Browna, Pat Metheny’iego, Chicka Corea i Wyntona Marsalisa po Stinga, The Roots, Kathleen Battle, Bruce’a Hornsby’ego i Paula McCartneya.
Gdy w 1989 roku pojawił się w Nowym Jorku (studiował wówczas na Juilliard School), zdobył przydomek "Chrzestny syn groove", dość szybko środowisko połapało się, że ten młodzieniec z Filadelfii ma nieograniczone możliwości.
Dziś Christian McBride może wylegitymować się blisko czterema setkami sesji nagraniowych u zaprzyjaźnionych muzyków, siedmioma statuetkami GRAMMY i 22 uznanymi przez krytyków autorskimi albumami.
Mack Avenue, wydawca płyt McBride'a przygotowało prawdziwy rarytas fonograficzny. Zarejestrowany w grudniu 2014 roku (na chwilę przed debiutem fonograficznym w barwach Mack Avenue), koncert w legendarnym Village Vanguard jego grupy Inside Straight. Zespół wystąpił w składzie McBride plus Steve Wilson na saksofonach, wibrafonista Warren Wolf, pianista Peter Martin i perkusista Carl Allen.
Może nie wszyscy wiedzą, ale nazwa zespołu Inside Straight jest wynikiem konkursu, jaki McBride rozpisał w internecie. Fani kontrabasisty kolektywnie wybrali te nazwę, która trafnie oddaje istotę ich muzykowania. Inside Straight to grupa przyjaciół, prawdziwi ambasadorzy "rozkołysanego jazzu", zakotwiczonego w latach 60-tych.
Nietypowa obsada instrumentalna - kontrabas/fortepian/wibrafon/saksofon/perkusja, daje doskonały efekt końcowy. Christian McBride - lider w żadnym momencie nie stara się zdominować muzyki. Muzycy bez wątpienia grają nowoczesny jazz, nie zapominając ani na chwilę o jego korzeniach.
Ten wieczór w Village Vanguard musiał być bardzo gorący!
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Editor's info:
Christian McBride & Inside Straight Live at the Village Vanguard is Christian McBride’s twelfth release with Mack Avenue Music Group. This recording can be thought of as a companion to the GRAMMY® Award-winning Christian McBride Trio Live at the Village Vanguard album released in 2015. Inside Straight is the quintet that inaugurated McBride’s collaboration with Mack Avenue Records (releasing Kind of Brown in 2009). Both live recordings of the bassist leading these two ensembles occurred in a consecutive two-week period in December of 2014 – a rare engagement offered to only the most venerated jazz artists by the most venerated jazz club in America. In 2007 McBride recruited his former bandmate in Freddie Hubbard’s group, drummer Carl Allen, saxophonist Steve Wilson, pianist Eric Reed (who subsequently was replaced by Peter Martin) and an amazing young musical prodigy who had enrolled in McBride’s summer camp program Jazz at Aspen, Colorado, vibraphonist Warren Wolf. They played one week at the Village Vanguard with the intention of each musician returning to his other respective projects at the end of that engagement. But the entire week sold out. Although the Inside Straight band has made two prior studio recordings for Mack Avenue Records, Kind of Brown and People Music, the band has not, until now, released a live recording – the milieu in which this ensemble was originally created. Represented herein are compositions by three of the five band members. The album opens with a rip-roaring performance of Warren Wolf’s soulful tune “Sweet Bread” and later in the set includes his vibraphone feature “Gang Gang.” Alto and soprano saxophonist Steve Wilson contributes a paean to Maya Angelou. The remainder of the compositions are McBride’s; two of which similarly celebrate the work of jazz greats James Williams and Cedar Walton and provide fertile ground for the accomplished pianist Peter Martin. The other two McBride tunes, “Fair Hope Theme” and “Stick and Move,” showcase the quintet engaged in powerfully deep swing with the rapidly shifting rhythmic and harmonic phrasing that kept audiences at the Village Vanguard on the edge of their seats.
All About Jazz * * * * 1/2:
You may feel a whole lot better about things after checking out Live at the Village Vanguard. Now, without argument or scholarly discourse, that can be said for any of the time honored performances captured under that heady title, but here it's Christian McBride and Inside Straight and seriously, this one has fun written all over it. An instant Top Tenner for 2021.
Bassist/educator/advocate, McBride needs no further introduction save to say he has heightened fun into an art form. His playing, even at its most pensive and persuasive, proclaims that better times are here even if just for the immediate moment. The immediate gig. This immediate assemblage of keen minded, high flying musicians. And this is their last set of the three-night stand so they'd like to play for you now.
Vibraphonist Warren Wolf's infectiously soulful "Sweet Bread" sets a very high bar straight from the gate. But it's a bar that Inside Straight hurtles high over with each successive track. Moving like Muhammed Ali, "Sweet Bread" swings for the fences and the fences swing back on McBride's own swing-crazy "Fair Hope Theme." Pianist Peter Martin ranges all over the landscape, a singular acrobat among equals. His joyful, sinewy run on saxophonist Steve Wilson's "Ms.Angelou" is worth the price of admission and the two drink minimum. Carl AllenconjuresArt Blakey and this set never stops. The energy and vibe is so tangible on "Shade of the Cedar Tree" that it's impossible not to imagine yourself in one of the 123 or so seats that make for max capacity in the Vanguard. Elbow to elbow, head bopping, feet tapping, a smile on your face everyone sees in the walk down dark. You're on your second drink when "Gang Gang" high octanes to life: Darting, sparring, powering on.
By the time "Stick and Move" steam rolls over you, and McBride and Allen take your breath away in a serious of groove statements that leave you amazed, you can envision yourself one of the jubilant patrons, standing, cheering, applauding. It's the power of music Mach Ten. It's Live at the Village Vanguard.
muzycy: Christian McBride: bass
Steve Wilson: saxophone, alto
Warren Wolf: vibraphone
Peter Martin: bass, acoustic
Carl Allen: drums
utwory: 1. Sweet Bread
2. Fair Hope Theme
3. Ms. Angelou
4. The Shade of the Cedar Tree
5. Gang Gang
6. Uncle james
7. Stick and Move
wydano: 2022-01-14
nagrano: Recorded on location at The Village Vanguard, December 5 to 7, 2014, New York