MusicWeb International, September 2017
…the generous affability and rhythmic vivacity of the music is never in doubt. Nor are the excellent performances.
Polityka prywatności
Zasady dostawy
Zasady reklamacji
Klasyczna Muzyka Kameralna
premiera polska: 2017-06-16
opakowanie: Jewelcaseowe etui
Editor's info:
Alexandre Tansman (1897–1986) was one of the most prolificcomposers of the twentieth century.
His fundamental style is a Stravinskyan Neo-Classicism, animated by thedance-rhythms of his native Poland.
It is also energised by a masterly command of counterpoint.
Early in his career, Tansman settled in Paris, where he was helped byRavel, but he was also another of the Jewish composers forced to fleeEurope by the Nazis.
This second instalment in the first-ever survey of his piano musicdemonstrates its stylistic range, from Neo-Baroque via Polish folk-musicand the orient to the blues.
MusicWeb International, September 2017
…the generous affability and rhythmic vivacity of the music is never in doubt. Nor are the excellent performances.
Danny Zelibor: piano
wydano: 2017-06
more info: www.toccataclassics.com