
Hanne Boel: Between Dark And Daylight

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Indie Pop / Avant Pop / Muzyka alternatywna
premiera polska:
Wydawnicto Audiofilskie

kontynent: Europa
kraj: Dania
opakowanie: digipackowe etui
opis: - ocena * * * * 1/2:
Nie wróżę sukcesu w Polsce najnowszej płycie Hanne Boel. Nie jest ani Amerykanką, nie jest także przed 30-ką, ani nie prowadzi ekscentrycznego życia. Tak to już jest w Polsce, że trzeba spełniać jeden, a najlepiej wszystkie trzy powyższe warunki, wtedy droga do sukcesu stoi otworem.
Ale nie ma co rozdzierać szat, warto zatopić się w głębokim głosie Hanne, doskonałych kompozycjach i mistrzostwie instrumentalistów. Gwarantuję satysfakcję!

Hanne Boel, w młodości frontmanka funkowej formacji Blast, w 1988 roku przyłączyła się do soulowej formacji Black Wolf, z którą nagrała czternaście krążków. Niezliczona ilość koncertów, nagrań, wywiadów wyraźnie dały się we znaki artystce, skoro zapragnęła sięgnąć po jazzowy repertuar. Warto dodać, że nie zrobiła tego po raz pierwszy, W 1987 roku miała mały flirt z jazzem, a to za sprawą Jorgena Emborga, Madsa Vindinga i Alexa Riela. Płyta została wydana dla wytwórni Stunt Records i dość szybko osiągnęła status złotej płyty.
Po dwudziestu trzech latach rozłąki z wytwórnią w 2010 roku nagrała kameralny album 'I Think It's Going To Rain' z towarzyszeniem duńskiego pianisty, Carstena Dahla.
Później była "The Shining Of Things' (2011) z Jacob Karlzon 3 i Larsem Danielssonem, na której śpiewała piosenki Leonarda Cohena, Antonio Carlosa Jobima, Randy'ego Newmana, Davida Sylviana czy też "Lonely Woman" Ornette'a Colemana.
Po niej otrzymaliśmy audiofilsko zarejestrowany koncert unplugged, z towarzyszeniem dwójki akustycznych gitarzystów (Jacob Funck i Jens Runge), pianisty Andersa Backa i sekcji smyczkowej "Unplugged 2017" (Stunt Records 2018).

Teraz Hanne Boel przygotowała album, który można traktować, jako artystyczną cezurę w jej karierze. "Between Dark And Daylight" zawiera bowiem wyłącznie własne kompozycje śpiewaczki, do części z nich napisała także teksty. Ponadto przynosząc do studio piosenki wymykające się gatunkowej przynależności zaprosiła muzyków, w takim międzygatunkowym programie czujących się jak przysłowiowa "ryba w wodzie". Wibrafonista i drummer Kenny Wollesen, od czasów The Lounge Lizards jeden z filarów nowojorskiego downtown, współpracownik Toma Waitsa, Johna Zorna i Billa Frisella. Basista Anders ”AC” Christensen, współpracownik Tomasza Stańko, Jakoba Bro, Paula Motiana, Toma Harrella, Joe Lovano, Lee Kontiza, Aarona Parksa, Caroline Henderson i Marie Fisker. Puzonista Mads Hyhne i saksofonista Ned Ferm, których spotykamy chociażby na kilku płytach wspaniałej Kiry Skov, i multiinstrumentalista Jacob Funch, tutaj pełniący także bardzo ważną producenta. Funch to znakomity gitarzysta, warto przypomnieć, że to on zastąpił Jakoba Bro w 2009 roku w składzie kopenhaskiego zespołu I Got You On Tape. A to tylko prezentacja części obsady tego nagrania.

Dojrzałość liderki sprawia, że jej opowieść biegnie bardzo naturalnym rytmem, niby nie dba o nic, ale jednak pociąga i ma w sobie "to coś", co sprawia, że padamy przed nią na kolana. Posłuchajcie "Child of Paradise", jednej z najlepiej wyprodukowanych piosenek ostatnich lat, a połkniecie haczyk, niesamowite są punktowe uderzenia w klawisze, w tej roli Anders ”AC” Christensen (sic!), zmysłowa sekcja smyczkowa wyostrza, co trzeba wyostrzyć.

Hanne Boel prezentuje, tak rzadką we współczesnym świecie szczerą, niewystudiowaną emocjonalność. Od mrocznych i tajemniczych utworów jak "Baby, Baby, Baby" poprzez filigranowe, pełnych "duńskiego" rozmarzenia w typie "Don’t Turn Around" po dynamiczne, porywające momenty w typie "Memories of Me". Hanne Boel jest przy tym wciąż po swojemu osobna i z nikim, także ze sobą się nie cacka. Już sama cover photo mogłaby być manifestem. Mamy zatem opowieść utkaną z wielu emocji, zbiór piosenek stonowanych, choć pełnych emocji, dość różnorodnych, które tworzą zwartą, emocjonującą opowieść. Boel bierze pełnymi garściami ze swoich doświadczeń, przekuwając je na album kompletny pod każdym względem. Osobne słowa uznania należą się producentom i realizatorom dźwięku, dzięki kolektywnej pracy sporego zespołu powstał album wybitny! Śpieszę donieść, że dostępny jest zarówno na tradycyjnym CD jak i vinylu.
autor: Mateusz Matyjak
Copyright © 1996-2018 Multikulti Project. All rights reserved
Editor's info:
Hanne Boel is… back? Well, no, she was never gone. On BETWEEN DARK AND DAYLIGHT, the greatest Danish soul singer of all time gets back to the true spirit of her classic albums. The new release is not an attempt to revive lost grandeur but rather an opportunity to explore, build upon the experiences in her past, and hear the years of maturity in her voice. With crystal-clear foresight and hindsight, Hanne has managed to pay homage to – without competing with – her own musical story.

After having toured Denmark extensively with the funk group Blast for a number of years in the 1980s, a young Hanne Boel pivoted to a more soulful sound that she first introduced to the public on the BLACK WOLF LP in 1988. This release would set the stage for her career, and 1990’s DARK PASSION vaulted her to the top of the charts in Denmark and greater Scandinavia, where she has enjoyed tremendous and sustained success. Now, after having sold more than 2.5 million copies of 20 albums, Hanne Boel is the best-selling Danish singer ever – her resumé overflowing with countless honors and Grammy awards. She tours tirelessly and performs at sold-out venues primarily in Denmark and Norway (the latter country having almost taken her in as one of their own).

In 2009, Hanne Boel began a nearly decade-long tenure as a Professor and Vice-Principal at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen, and a period during which she generously shared her expertise and experiences with young upcoming talents. Throughout it all, she has been unwavering in her musical expression, simultaneously reinventing and staying true to her artistic identity.

Hanne has spent much of her career in a musical delta where soul music flows into R&B and joins the tributaries of rock and jazz. Her voice hasn’t lost a bit of the emotional grandeur, character, or intimate expressiveness we’ve loved throughout the years, and here on her first real solo performance in too long, her vocals shine with a synergy with some of the greatest musicians from the worlds of jazz and rock. All this on an album completely free of jarring and unnecessary genre restrictions, imbued with an emancipated expression of desire. Her overabundance of musicality reminds us of a voice that still vibrates with sensual richness in multiple styles including soul, funk, and jazz, and is allowed to fly with a hot (and cool) band that shares her deep love for great African-American music.

Hanne Boel’s dynamic and powerful voice has offered her many opportunities throughout her diverse career, and yet BETWEEN DARK AND DAYLIGHT gives listeners something different and new – something deeper, something extraordinary, something riskier. The Danish legend is expressive and vibrantly present in a personal musical universe that never sounded more contemporary or relevant. It’s been a while since she last went through the ringer of writing songs, fine-tuning arrangements, getting the band together, and finally recording everything. It’s been an emotional, joyful return to the process she is so intimately familiar with.

BETWEEN DARK AND DAYLIGHT contains new original songs written by Hanne herself, as well as others written in collaboration with Jacob Bellens, Anders SG, and Emil Falk – each number carefully recorded in good company among friends. This is Hanne Boel in 2020, in a deconstructed universe and in a hybrid of many musical directions, all of which she feels at home in. “Time has passed and I have gotten older. But I’ve also found far greater open-mindedness now than ever before,” says Hanne of the release. “I was waiting for a spark of expressiveness instead of seeing it as a natural, constant flow. It was a challenge to get going on my own songs, not to mention the lyrics, but it’s also been satisfying to allow the process to happen at its own tempo. In recent years, I have toured extensively with guitarist Jacob Funch (I Got You On Tape, Moi Caprice, The Late Great Fitzcarraldos, Mads Mouritz). We have explored the possibilities of interaction in a more authentic way, without too much technique… kind of back to the roots. Among other things, this experience has been instrumental in sending me towards what I stand for today, focusing on interaction and lots of dynamics in the soundscape… which became part of the inspiration for my new album.”

It all began with a stack of songs in a desk drawer that had been composed over an extended period of time, most of which had never been heard by anyone else. Jacob Funch helped bring them to life, and suddenly things were moving. For Hanne, an artist who worked extensively in the 1990s, and with today’s volatile record label management, it was a liberating creative experience. The process simply had to be allowed go at its own pace. “It was a lengthy process, free of hasty decision-making. We kept the door open for creativity to the very end.” The next musician brought into the fold was bassist Anders “AC” Christensen (Paul Motian, Jakob Bro, Black Sun, Savage Rose, Tomasz Stanko). For a week, the three of them lived and played under the same roof at Hanne’s house, a period described as so wonderful and intense that the outside world could have ended without any of them noticing. “I can’t put into words how happy and spoiled I feel when I am allowed to experience the intensity of what I love most – to play and sing in close collaboration with other musicians, where the music is allowed to guide us and show the way,” raves Hanne.
After some preparation, the ground-tracks were laid down and several musicians and singers were brought together in The Village Recording studio in Vanlose with August Wanngren engineering. The project grew there, with each of the many participants being encouraged to make their mark on the music. It was surprising to observe how so many different personalities each took the music in new and unexpected directions, including in the rhythm section, where American drummer Kenny Wollesen (Tom Waits, Sean Lennon, Bill Frisell, Norah Jones, Myra Melford, Steven Bernstein, John Zorn) contributed deep grooves, while horn and string sections took the project over the finish line before Mads Norgard started mixing everything. “The meanings of some lyrics are immediately obvious to anyone, while other texts can gain new meaning when I sing them with the life I’ve lived and my experiences, not just as a musician and singer but as a human being. It’s exciting to be challenged by lyrics and to feel the necessity in the meanings of the words” says Hanne about her choice of songs and lyrics, which often describe small emotional moments. The material is perhaps simpler than she initially thought it was going to be, but shines when presented with so much tenderness and love. Several selections are based on the dark hours of the night, when the unspoken and repressed emerge, when emotions take over and senses are heightened – about the dualism of night and day, light and dark. But they are also about time, age, acceptance, trust, regret at large… and the love that finds its way into the cracks of life where anything can grow!

They say you should be careful what you wish for, or you just might get it. But then again, sometimes you just get what you want! Here’s Hanne Boel’s BETWEEN DARK AND DAYLIGHT!

Hanne Boel – vocals
Jacob Funch – guitar, bass, synth, melodica, programming, percussion
Anders ”AC” Christensen – bass, piano
Kenny Wollesen – drums, vibraphone
Rune Harder Olesen – percussion
Kasper Tranberg – trumpet
Mads Hyhne – trombone
Ned Ferm tenor saxophone, flute
Sophie Ziedoy, Katrine Muff Enevoldsen – background vocals
Andrea Gyarfas Brahe, Karen Johanne Pedersen, Sidsel Feher Most, Samira Dayyani – strings

1. Paint Me A Picture 3:29
2. Between Dark & Daylight 4:16
3. Mirrors & Smoke 3:23
4. Baby, Baby, Baby 5:02
5. Nicole 4:05
6. Memories Of Me 5:05
7. Holy Grail 5:11
8. Child Of Paradise 4:54
9. Truth Be Told 4:27
10. For Christopher 5:04
11. Other Side 3:59

wydano: 2020-02
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Stunt Records (DK)
Hanne Boel
Between Dark And Daylight
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