
John Zorn: Angelus Novus

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Współczesna Muzyka Klasyczna / Avant-Garde
premiera polska:
seria wydawnicza: Composer Series
kontynent: Ameryka Północna
kraj: USA
opakowanie: plastikowe etui
Ta płyta jest pierwszą z serii dokumentacej dorobek Johna Zorna z obszaru klasycznej muzyki komponowanej na jeden z najlepszych, obecnych na płycie zespołów instrumentalistów. Prace zawarte na płycie obejmują ostatnie 20 lat, od czasu 'Christabel", studenckiego dzieła napisanego w 1972 roku, którego inspiracją była mistyczna poezja Samuela Taylora Coleridge'a, 'Angelus Novus" dedykowany teoretykowi kultury żydowskiej Walterowi Benjaminowi, po Symfonię 'For Your Eyes Only" oraz 'Carny", wirtuozerski utwór wykonany brawurowo przez Strphena Drury.

Editor's info:
John Zorn has shown us many sides of his eclectic musical vision (some may think too many), but here is a side of Zorn's work that has pretty much remained hidden - his compositions for classical chamber ensembles. This CD marks the first in a series documenting these pieces, commissioned by some of the world's leading ensembles and appearing on CD for the first time. The works here span over twenty years, and include Christabel, a student piece written in 1972 inspired by the romantic mystic poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the wind octet Angelus Novus composed for the world-renown Netherland's Wind Ensemble and dedicated to the Jewish cultural theorist Walter Benjamin, the dynamic chamber symphony For Your Eyes Only and Carny, a virtuosic solo piece that receives an impassioned and breathtaking performance by pianist Stephen Drury. The Callithumpian Consort of the New England Conservatory (conducted by Stephen Drury) perform this challenging music with startling clarity and intensity on this CD that will surprise and delight Zorn fans and detractors alike.

For Your Eyes Only; Julianna Miller: flute; Tania Tupper: oboe; Michelle Montone: clarinet; Minako Taguchi: bassoon; Chris Still, Heinz-Karl Schwebel: trumpets; Molly Pate, James Nickel: horns; Chris Rozmarin: trombone; Roger Clapp: tuba; Jun Komatsu: piano; Heather Kellgreen: harp; Sean Mannion, Scott Vincent, Robert Schultz: percussion; Haldan Martinson, Mina Saski: violins; Christina Day: viola; Walter Haman: cello; Chris Burns: bass; Christabel; Stephanie Wagner, Cindy Kim, Beth Chandler, Ann Bobo: flutes; Gasper Hoyos: alto flute; Ilana Schroeder: viola; ;Carny; Stephen Drury: piano; ;Angelus Novus; Kyoko Hida, Izumi Nishizawa: oboes; Bharat Chandra, Min-Ho Yeh: clarinets; Robert McGrath, Minako Taguchi: bassoons; James Nickel, Daniel Shaud: french horns

1. For Your Eyes Only (1988) Christabel (1972); 2. part 1; 3. part 2; 4. Carny (1989) Angelus Novus (1993); 5. peshat; 6. tzomet; 7. aliya; 8. herut; 9. pardes

total time - 47:30
wydano: 1998
nagrano: 1998
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John Zorn
John Zorn
John Zorn
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