
Daadalus, Roberto Festa: Musa Latina

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Klasyczna Muzyka Dawna
premiera polska:
kontynent: Europa
kraj: Francja
opakowanie: digipackowe etui

Editor's info:
At the end of the 15th century, a young Roman shepherd discovered by accident the remains of the ancient palace built by Emperor Nero, the Domus Aurea or golden house. Thereafter, all the great artists of what History today calls Renaissance (Raffaello, Michelangelo ...) would descend into these « grottoes » to admire the last remains of Ancient Rome's painting and would launch a movement aspiring to a return to the times of Latin splendour. Amazingly vigorous, the erudite and exciting disc recorded by Roberto Festa's Daedalus ensemble leads us to rediscover the musical side of this school, of which Virgil was the model, and which will leave its mark on the whole of 16th century Europe.

Daedalus Ensemble
Roberto Festa

1. Invocatio Musarum (Anonyme) Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico, Ms Q 34
2. Tempora labuntur (Franciscus Nigrus) Franscescus Nigrus, Grammatica brevis... 1480
3. At trepida et coeptis immanibus effera Dido (Jacob Arcadelt) Sixiesme Livre des chansons... Leroy & Ballard 1556
4. Miserarum est (Petrus Tritonius) Melopoiæ sive harmoniæ tetracenti... 1507
5. Ut vidi, ut perii (Antonius Capreolus Brixien) Strambotti, ode, frottole... libro IV Petrucci
6. Musices septemque modos planetae (Franchino Gaffurio) De harmonia musicorum instrumentorum, 1518
7. La fiamma che m'abbruscia (Bartolomeo Tromboncino) Strambotti, ode, frottole...libro IV; O. Petrucci 1505
8. O sonno (Cipriano de Rore) Musica nova... Venezia, A. Gardano 1559
9. Poscimur si quid vacui sub umbra (Jacob Arcadelt) Sixiesme livre des chansons ... Leroy & Ballard 1556
10. Mon coeur qui brusle (Claude Le Jeune) Le second livre des airs ... de Claude le Jeune ... Paris, Ballard 1602
11. Les diverses douleurs (Claude Le Jeune) Airs a III. IIII. V. et VI parties ... Paris, Ballard 1608
12. Qu'est devenu (Claude Le Jeune) Airs a III. IIII. V. et VI parties ... Paris, Ballard 1608
13. Iam satis terris (Petrus Tritonius) Melopoiæ sive harmoniæ tetracenti... 1507

wydano: 2009
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Alpha (FR)
Daedalus Ensemble / Roberto Festa
Musa Latina
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