Polityka prywatności
Zasady dostawy
Zasady reklamacji
Klasyczna Muzyka Dawna
premiera polska: 2006-10-20
kontynent: Europa
kraj: Francja
opakowanie: digipackowe etui
Editor's info:
For the first time in musical history, towards the end of the twelfth century one centre took the leadership in music: the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. It was to serve as a model for the whole of the Christian world. The music composed by the Notre Dame composers was very soon imitated, copied and sung in the great churches of France.
Paris Expers Paris (Paris without Equal) presents an entirely new facet of this magnificent repertoire.
Diabolus in Musica
Antoine Guerber, direction
Raphaël Boulay, ténor
Olivier Germond, ténor
Jean-Paul Rigaud, baryton
Geoffroy Buffiere, baryton-basse
Emmanuel Vistorky, baryton-basse
Christophe Grapperon, baryton-basse
01. Benedicamus Domino, organum à 3 (4'39)
02. Deus misertus, conduit à 4 (6'23)
03. Sursum corda, conduit à 2 (6'15)
04. Descendit de celis, organum à 3 (18'21)
05. Mundus vergens, conduit à 4 (2'23)
06. Olim sudor herculis, conduit à 1 (12'30)
07. Veri floris sub figura, conduit à 3 (4'20)
08. Naturas deus regulis, conduit à 3 (9'16)
09. O Maria virginei, conduit à 3 (4'46)
wydano: 2006-09
nagrano: Enregistré à l'Abbaye de Fontevraud, en septembre 2005
more info: www.outhere-music.com