
Sigismondo D'India: Lamenti & sospiri [2CD]

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Polityka prywatności


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Barokowa Muzyka Klasyczna
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Editor's info:
‘Sigismondo d’India has a “twin”, a “mirror” in music: Claudio Monteverdi. Both men developed, in parallel, a style that radically changed the history of music. A style inherited from composers such as Luca Marenzio and Carlo Gesualdo, but which d’India and Monteverdi were to transform through the creation of new techniques, theorised by the latter in 1638 under the name seconda pratica, which consisted in breaking the rules of counterpoint in order to express heightened emotion. This is why I like to call Sigismondo d’India’s style “mannerist” – not in the sense of “mannered” as it is sometimes misinterpreted – so as to underline the crucial role played by composers like d’India and Monteverdi in effecting the transition between Renaissance and Baroque. Like the disegno artists of that period, who exaggerated the gesture and form of the Renaissance figure, like Michelangelo Buonarroti in his Sistine Chapel, Sigismondo d’India brings us back to a language, the fruit of the sophisticated reworking of a heritage.’
by L. García Alarcón

Julie Roset: soprano, Mariana Flores: soprano
Cappella Mediterranea, Leonardo García Alarcón

India: Ardo, lassa, o non ardo?
India: Chi nudrisce tua speme, cor mio?
India: Dialogo della rosa
India: Infelice Didone
India: Io viddi in terra angelici costumi
India: La tra'l sangue e le morti egro giacente
India: Lamento d'Olimpia
India: Mentre che'l cor
India: Mercè! grido piangendo
India: Odi quel Rosignolo
India: Or che il ciel e la terra
India: Pallidetta qual viola
India: Piangono al pianger mio
India: Sprezzami bionda e fuggimi
India: Su su prendi la cetra
India: Torna il sereno Zefiro
India: Un di soletto
India: Voi Ch'ascoltate
Trabaci: Canzona cromatica

wydano: 2021
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Ricercar (B)
Sigismondo D'India [1582-1629]
Mariana Flores, Julie Roset, Cappella Mediterranea, Leonardo García Alarcón
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