opis: Przepięknie wydany album z najnowszymi kompozycjami Yanna Tiersena, znanemu szerszej publiczności choćby ze znakomitej muzyki do filmu "Amelia", na fortepian dla średnio zaawansowanych. Tytuł to bretońska nazwa wyspy Ushant, skąd pochodzi kompozytor. Utwory inspirowane są podróżami kompozytora po okolicznych wysepkach i ilustrowane kolorowymi zdjęciami wykonanymi przez jego narzeczoną, Emilie Quinquis. Kazdy utwór jest też opatrzony osobistym, autorskim komentarzem.
“Eusa - Piano Book” jest dostepna na CD i Vinyl 2LP
Editor's Info: On the eve of a sold out European tour, YANN TIERSEN has announced a brand new album, EUSA, out in September 2016.
The new album will comprise of 10 new solo piano pieces, each related to a specific location on the island of Ushant off the coast of Brittany (‘Eusa’ in Breton), where Tiersen lives.
The album, recorded at Abbey Road, will feature Yann Tiersen solo on the piano, accompanied only by a field recording from the exact spot referred to in the piece of music.
Vinyl (180g) CD
Tiersen explains, “Ushant is more than just a home – it’s a part of me. The idea was to make a map of the island and, by extension, a map of who I am. To begin with I chose ten locations on the island and made a series of field recordings at each of them. The pieces of piano music I then went on to write are named after these locations, and the sheet music for each piece is accompanied by a GPS coordinate and a photograph of the site taken by Emilie Quinquis.”
5/5 – RECORD COLLECTOR – “EUSA is a faultless work” 4/5 – MOJO – “… brimming with aching melody” 8/10 – DROWNED IN SOUND “With each listen you uncover another facet not just of of this complex and charming album, but of yourself too.” 7/10 – UNCUT “… his most delicate release since 2003’s Good Bye Lenin!” 4/5 – THE GUARDIAN “…devastatingly effective way with a melody” live review 4/5 – THE INDEPENDENT “innovative, constantly shifting and seeking to build on that landscape he evokes with each note.” live review
Mute Record Limited
Yann Tiersen
Eusa - Piano Book [Vinyl 2LP]
Vinyl 2LP
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