Polityka prywatności
Zasady dostawy
Zasady reklamacji
Muzyka Barokowa
premiera polska: 04.09.2009
kontynent: Europa
kraj: Anglia
opakowanie: kartonowe etui
Kolejne dwa tomy z kantatami Jana Sebastiana Bacha w interpretacji zespołów The Monteverdi Choir i The English Baroque Soloists pod dyrekcją Johna Eliota Gardinera. Warto przypomnieć, że Gardiner zajmuje pozycję wyjątkową na rynku wykonawców muzyki dawnej i barokowej. Może też sobie pozwolić na ekstrawagancje. Kilka lat temu gdy zakłądał firmę fonograficzną Soli Deo Gloria, która rozpoczęła wydawanie kompletu kantat Jana Sebastiana Bacha wielu wieściło szybki koniec tego przedsięwzięcia.
Na szczęście stało się inaczej, nagrania dokonane podczas słynnej 'Bachowskiej Pielgrzymki Kantatowej' uświetniające obchody 250. rocznicy śmierci Bacha, które miały miejsce w sześćdziesięciu kościołach Europy (a także w Nowym Jorku) to prawdziwy skarb Bachowskiej fonografii.
Liner notes:
Cantatas for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
Allhelgonakyrkan, Lund
It was really hard to get last week's magnificent music - four superb cantatas (BWV 161, 27, 8 and 95), all concerned with grief and consolation - out of one's head and to move on. If at first the three cantatas for this Sunday seemed to be less than top drawer, each had at least one movement that made an immediate impression. With what is probably the earliest, BWV 148 Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens, it was the first chorus, which opens with an exceptionally long fanfare-like ritornello for solo trumpet and strings (and an implied doubling by the three oboes who figure prominently later in the cantata). This becomes the launchpad for the chorus to enter with a rousing homophonic delivery of the psalm verse, 'Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.' Then the fun begins. By repeating the first three choral bars - this after ten intervening bars for orchestra alone - Bach disguises the fact that the first of his fugues is already under way! It is only when his upper two voices detach themselves from the rest that we cotton on to his strategy of presenting two consecutive fugal expositions, one for each clause of the psalm verse, both emanating from the instrumental material, both expanding from the four vocal lines to five parts by the addition of the independent clarino high above them. It is stirring stuff, and when Bach superimposes his choir over the reprise of the orchestral sinfonia it seems to be building to an imposing conclusion - but it then ends rather abruptly, two bars short of one's expectations.
John Eliot Gardiner 2009
From a journal written in the course of the Bach Cantata Pilgrimage
Katharine Fuge
Frances Bourne (only on CD 1)
Robin Tyson (only on CD 1)
Charles Humphries (only on CD 1)
Mark Padmore (only on CD 1)
Stephen Loges (only on CD 1)
Nathalie Stutzmann (only on CD 2)
Christoph Genz (only on CD 2)
Gotthold Schwarz (only on CD 2)
The Monteverdi Choir
The English Baroque Soloists
John Eliot Gardiner: conductor
CD 1:
Cantatas for the for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
BWV 148 - Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens
BWV 114 - Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost
BWV 47 - Wer sich selbst erhöhet, der soll erniedriget werden
BWV 226 - Motet: Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf
CD 2:
Cantatas for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
BWV 96 - Herr Christ, der ein'ge Gottessohn
BWV 169 - Gott soll allein mein Herze haben
BWV 116 - Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ
BWV 668 - Chorale: Vor deinen Thron tret' ich hiermit
wydano: 2009
more info: www.solideogloria.co.uk
more info2: www.monteverdi.co.uk