Polityka prywatności
Zasady dostawy
Zasady reklamacji
Muzyka Dawna
premiera polska: 02.03.2007
kontynent: Europa
kraj: Belgia
opakowanie: digipackowe etui
Editor's info:
Whether they played violin, cornet, harpsichord or theorbo, Italian musicians of great renown called Buonamente, Castello, Pesenti and Ferro crossed the Alps to take up much-coveted posts at the courts of Emperors Ferdinand I and II. Their splendid music surged forth, blending the blaze of the brass with the sweetness of the strings in an unceasing tourney of virtuosity and emotions depicted in sound. A major rediscovery of this music as an instrumental prelude to the first madrigal of Monteverdi's 8th Book, which ends this new recording of La Fenice.
La Fenice
Jean Tubéry
more info: www.outhere-music.com
more info2: ensemblelafenice.com