
Georg Friedrich Handel: Italian Cantatas Volume 4 - Aminta e Fillide, Rome (1707-1708)

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Muzyka Barokowa
premiera polska:
kontynent: Europa
opakowanie: digipackowe etui

Audio Video; 2008-10
'...Czwarta część włoskich kantat Handla w niczym nie ustępuje poprzednim chociaż przybiera inny nieco charakter. W pierwszej części sopranistka Roberta Internizzi dzięki traktowaniu wibratta tylko i wyłącznie jako ozdobnika nadawała muzyce Handla niemal intymny charakter. Tutaj taką wizję mocniej akcentuje orkiestra, a dwie główne bohaterki - Maria Grazia Schiavo i Nuria Rial - chętniej sięgają po ten środek wyrazu, nie nadużywając go jednak. Bonizzoni świetnie panuje nad zespołem, a stonowane i po włosku lekkie brzmienie jakie wypracował zachwyci każdego. Bardzo dobre nagranie...'

Editor's info:
Two new voices join Fabio Bonizzoni's project of recording the entirety of the cantatas with instrumental accompaniment which Handel composed when in Italy: sopranos Nuria Rial and Maria Grazia Schiavo enter the compan of Roberta Invernizzi, Emanuela Galli, Raffaella Milanesi and Salvo Vitale, the singers who we have been able to hear in the first three volumes of the collection. In this fourth instalment (out of a total of seven CDs planned for release up to the end of 2009), we rediscover the patronage of the Marquis Francesco Maria Ruspoli, which lay behind the important cantata a due entitled Aminta e Fillide; this was a work which was to provide the composer with a veritable seam of musical material for use, as 'borrowings', in his operas Agrippina and Rinaldo - one of the reasons perhaps why this cantata has been rarely performed and even less recorded.
Both Aminta e Fillide and the extensive cantata for soprano, Clori, mia bella Clori, which rounds off this new disc, had their origins in the special environment of the Accademia degli Arcadi, that literary society founded by a group of aristocrats, cardinals, poets, thinkers and composers in 1690, which used to hold its meetings in idyllic spots around Rome. Karl Böhmer's informed notes contained in the CD booklet suggest a number of stimulating points of view about the meaning and significance of these works for the Arcadians.

La Risonanza
Maria Grazia Schiavo: soprano
Nuria Rial: soprano
Carlo Lazzaroni: violin
Elin Gabrielsson: violin
Barbara Altobello: violin
Elena Telò: violin
Silvia Colli: violin
Giacomo Trevisani: violin
Gianni de Rosa: viola
Caterina dell'Agnello: cello
Davide Nava: double bass
Fabio Bonizzoni: harpsichord

Aminta e Fillide (Arresta il Passo), HWV83
Clori, Mia Bella Clori, HWV 92

wydano: 2008
nagrano: Recorded in Saint Michel en Thiérache, France, in June 2007
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Glossa (SP)
Georg Friedrich Handel [1685-1759]
Maria Grazia Schiavo / Nuria Rial / La Risonanza / Fabio Bonizzoni
Georg Friedrich Handel
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