Polityka prywatności
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Książki obcojęzyczne
premiera polska: 2009-04-02
kontynent: Ameryka Północna
kraj: USA
opakowanie: Paperbackowe etui
Editor's info:
Steve Dalachinsky, poet, and Lorna Lentini, photographer, both know Matthew Shipp, musician, since he arrived in New York in the late 80's. "Logos and Language: a Post-Jazz Metaphorical Dialogue" is made up of dialogues between Steve and Matthew, Steve's poems (written while listening to Matthew Shipp), Matthew's writings and Lorna's photographs. Shipp's music as seen from the inside by three major artists. It definitely creates a unique book that on its own, is not just a book about Shipp but as Shipp himself would agree, a book that encompasses the entire Cosmos.
98 pages, 26 photographs, in English
Matthew Shipp
Logos Chart
Yuko Otomo
Why Art
Matthew Shipp and Steve Dalachinsky
Logos and Language - Playing off the Tree of Life
Retiring the World
Steve Dalachinsky - Poems
moth cosmos
in a circle
the undetermined factor
a series of planes
timp w/in the red eye
sonnet on spinet
the flight
the music woke us one nite
god 2
the standard complaint
forward motion
piano vortex
Two things together
Nu Bop
After the One
As time goes by
Matthew Shipp - Writings
Flow of X
Pillars of Tone
Boxing and Jazz
wydano: 2008-10
more info: www.roguart.com
more info2: www.matthewshipp.com