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Modern Jazz
premiera polska: 2012-10-11
kontynent: Ameryka Północna
kraj: USA
opakowanie: Jewelcaseowe etui
Ten urodzony w 1960 roku w Tucson, w Arizonie muzyk jazzowy uchodzi za jednego z najlepszych jazzowych basistów na świecie. Gra zarówno na akustycznym jak i elektrycznym instrumencie. Jego oficjalna dyskografia liczy obecnie dwadzieścia autorskich płyt, wśród których znaleźć można krążki fusion-jazzowe (Bromberg Plays Hendrix, 2010), smooth-jazzowe (Metal, 2005) jak i mainstream jazzowe (Compared To That, 2012).
Techniczna sprawność sprawiła, że wśród fanów gitary basowej uważany jest za wielką postać, jego gra przypomina najlepsze solówki Joe Satrianiego, innym razem współczesnego Jeffa Becka.
Jego najnowsza płyta „Compared To That” nagrana zostałą w zaskakująco jak na Bromberga dużym składzie, poza starymi znajomymi basisty jak George Duke, Bela Fleck, Vinnie Colaiuta, Alex Acuna, Randy Brecker, Jeff Lorber, Larry Goldings słyszymy dużą sekcję instrumentów dętych i w dwóch utworach The Rising Sun Orchestra.
Wszystko to stawia bardzo wysoką poprzeczkę liderowi, który jest także kompozytorem większości materiału na płycie. Czasami płyta brzmi jak najlepsze dokonania Tower of Power „If Ray Brown Was A Cowboy?”, innym razem frenetyczna energia zespołu gna nas gdzieś w najciekawsze momenty fusion jazzu „Rory Lowery, Private Eye”. Smakowicie zaaranżowany i zagrany jest także szlagier Chicago „Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?” i Ricka Jamesa “Give It To Me Baby”.
Niesłychanie współczesna, bardzo eklektyczna płyta, która ma szanse na powodzenie u różnorodnej publiczności, bez względu na gatunkowe sympatie, każdy kto usłyszy interakcję lidera z Bela Fleckiem w utworze „Hayride” w naturalny sposób zacznie poruszać nogami…
Oto fragmenty z wybranych recenzji:
“Recorded live in the studio with 8 new Bromberg tunes and utilizing state of the art technology there is a groove you can use here. A swing that while contemporary in nature is diverse and eclectic in presentation. Artistic integrity with a consistently fresh presentation. The prime examples of the expansive nature of this release being a swing cover of the Chicago hit "Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is" where the horn section assembled does their own riff on Chicago without bordering on the overtly commercial. Another example of the flavor that works so well in the flow is "Hayride" where there is an old school made new cool call and response between Bromberg and Bela Fleck. I never saw it coming! Another sonic left turn is "A Little New Old School" featuring funkalicious fun from Randy Brecker and Jeff Lorber. While Bromberg has now covered some classic pop and rock tunes from Earth Wing and Fire, Kansas and Chicago perhaps the Rick James cover of "Give It To Me Baby" is the most unexpected. A swing you feel with your hips and hear with your feet.”
5 Huge Stars!
“The noteworthy number here: "Hayride," an original by Bromberg. Earlier tracks are hard-edged smooth jazz arrangements. The title track shows off Jeff Lorber's piano, along with Bromberg's unique work on acoustic bass and hollow body piccolo bass. (Album note, there are no guitar melodies or solos on this recording— only Bromberg on piccolo.) This is followed by "Rory Lowery, Private Eye," which is filled with hot licks punctuated by Mitch Forman's piano and Gary Meek's tenor. In contrast, the aforementioned, attention grabbing "Hayride," with its country feel and jazz overlay of piccolo bass, banjo and violin results in a boisterous dos- à -dos called by Bromberg.”
All About Jazz
“Virtuoso ensemble, ten piece horn section and full orchestra string section propel the eclectic mix of jazz”
“This kind of music takes me back to the days when I first got excited about jazz. Bromberg, who performs on a plethora of basses here (some resembling a Gibson full body Florentine)brings together an energetic collection of compatriots. Randy Brecker, Vinnie Colaiuta, George Duke, Bela Fleck, Larry Goldings, Jeff Lorber and a snapping Philly sounding horn section that includes Vince Trombetta mix and match on material that ranges from the catchy yet and driving title track to the frenetically kinetic “Rory Lowery, Private Eye,” both of which include some amazing solo and driving rhythm work by the leader. Meanwhile, a lush “Hayride” has some nice picking by Fleck, and “If Ray Brown Was A Cowboy?” is a thrilling little small group get together. A horn section that sounds like it just fell off the Tower of Power is as tight as J Lo’s dresses on “A Little New Old School” paving the way for some cruising music on a friendly remake of Chicago’s “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It IS?” and Rick James’ “Give It To Me Baby.” It doesn’t matter what school of music you prefer, you are going to get caught up in this joyous collection of sounds that is hip, hep and hopping!”
Jazz Weekly
Brian Bromberg: acoustic bass, hollow body piccolo bass, steel string acoustic piccolo bass; Carvin B24 4 string bass, Carvin B24 4 string fretless bass
Alex Acuna: percussion
Gannin Arnold: rhythm guitar
Charlie Bishart: violin
Randy Brecker: trumpet, flugelhorn
Vinnie Colaiuta: drums
George Duke: piano
Bela Fleck: banjo
Mitch Forman: piano
Larry Goldings: hammond b3 organ
Jeff Lorber: piano, electric piano
Gary Meek: tenor sax
Tom Zink: piano
Horn Section: Tony Guerrero; Willie Murillo; Jason Thor; Vince Trombetta; Mark Visher
The Rising Sun Orchestra - Tokyo Japan
1. Compared To That 8:26
2. Rory Lowery, Private Eye 9:54
3. If Ray Brown Was A Cowboy? 6:36
4. Hayride 7:30
5. A Little New Old School 7:19
6. Forgiveness 5:19
7. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? 4:52
8. I'm Just Sayin' 7:42
9. The Eclipse 8:59
10. Give It To Me Baby 4:19
wydano: June 5, 2012
more info: www.mackavenue.com
more info2: www.brianbromberg.net