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Zasady reklamacji
Modern Jazz / Pianistyka Jazzowa
premiera polska: 2012-03-19
kontynent: Ameryka Północna
kraj: USA
opakowanie: Gatefold etui
Opis wydawcy:
Kolejne znakomite dzieło jednego z najwybitniejszych współczesnych pianistów jazzowych, którego chwalą takie tuzy gatunku, jak Pat Metheny, Wayne Shorter, czy Joshua Redman. Brad po raz kolejny pracował z członkami swojego aktualnego tria, czyli Larrym Grenadierem na basie i Jeffem Ballardem na perkusji. Sam odpowiada za brzmienie albumu. Tym razem Mehldau, który od samego początku kariery uwielbia interpretować na jazzowo cudze kompozycje, postanowił nagrać wyłącznie autorskie utwory. Jest ich 11. Amerykanin razem ze swoimi wypróbowanymi współpracownikami, jak zwykle czaruje słuchaczy lekkością i perfekcją wykonania, nie przesłaniającą jednak pasji i energii.
'Ode' to pierwszy od niemal siedmiu lat studyjny album Brad Mehldau Trio. Na płycie znalazło się jedenaście nowych utworów autorstwa pianisty i lidera zespołu Brada Mehldau'a, któremu towarzyszą Jeff Ballard na perkusji oraz Larry Grenadier na kontrabasie.
Album zawiera swoiste 'ody' do prawdziwych i fikcyjnych postaci jak choćby zmarłego saksofonisty Michaela Brecker'a ("M.B."), postaci z filmu 'Easy Rider' ("Wyatt's Eulogy for George Hanson") czy gitarzysty Kurta Ronsenwinkel'a ("Kurt Vibe").
Editor's info:
Nonesuch releases an album of original songs from the Brad Mehldau Trio-Ode-on March 20, 2012. The record, which is the first from the trio since 2008's live Village Vanguard disc and the first studio trio recording since 2005's Day Is Done, features 11 previously unreleased songs composed by Mehldau. The trio comprises Mehldau on piano, Jeff Ballard on drums, and Larry Grenadier on bass.
"Ode is a collection of originals that I wrote specifically for my trio with Larry and Jeff," says Mehldau. "I feel that what they bring to the music in the performance here is inseparable from the tunes themselves." Most of the songs, he explains, "are tributes to someone else, and I began to think of them as odes, or poems that might be sung, in our case here it's the singing only without all those pesky words." Subjects include the late saxophonist Michael Brecker ("M.B."), a character from the film Easy Rider ("Eulogy for George Hanson"), and the guitarist Kurt Ronsenwinkel ("Kurt Vibe").
Mehldau moved to New York City in 1988, studying at the New School and playing in a number of different combos-including a stint in Redman's quartet-before becoming a bandleader himself. His trio, which tours the world extensively, made eight acclaimed recordings for Warner Bros., including the five widely praised Art of the Trio albums with former drummer Jorge Rossy, which Nonesuch released as a boxed set in December 2011.
The pianist's time with Nonesuch has been equally productive, beginning with the solo disc Live in Tokyo and including the three trio records Day is Done, House on Hill, and Live as well as a collaboration with soprano Renée Fleming, Love Sublime, a chamber ensemble album, Highway Rider, and two collaborations with label mate Pat Metheny, Metheny Mehldau and Quartet, the latter of which also includes Ballard and Grenadier. In addition to the Art of the Trio box set, Mehldau's other two Nonesuch releases last year showcased other facets of his varied career as it enters its second decade: his live solo performances on Live in Marciac and his collaborations with genre-crossing musicians on Modern Music, with composer/pianist Kevin Hays and composer/arranger Patrick Zimmerli.
Brad Mehldau: piano
Jaff Ballard: drums
Larry Granadier: bass
1. M.B.
2. Ode
3. 26
4. Dream Sketch
5. Bee Blues
6. Twiggy
7. Kurt Vibe
8. Stan the Man
9. Wyatt's Eulogy For George Hanson
10. Aquaman
11. Days of Dilbert Dilaney
wydano: 2012-03-19
more info: www.nonesuch.com
more info2: www.bradmehldau.com