Indie Pop / Avant Pop / Muzyka alternatywna
premiera polska: 2014-11-20,
Wydawnicto Audiofilskiekontynent: Europa
kraj: Dania
opakowanie: kartonowe etui
Kira Skov to dzisiaj obok Agnes Obel najciekawsza duńska wokalistka konsekwentnie idąca w poprzek podziałom gatunkowym, porządkującym rynek muzyczny. Jednak w muzyce nie o porządki chodzi.
Płyta 'Memories Of Days Gone By' z 2011 roku pozostaje najciekawszą chyba próbą zmierzenia się z przejmującymi balladami Billie Holiday. Kira interpretowała cały klasyczny materiał Holiday po swojemu, rozkładając akcenty inaczej niż w oryginałach, pielęgnując tę charakterystyczną atmosferę melancholii z nutką rozterki w głosie. Towarzyszył jej kwiat młodego, kreatywnego jazzu. Wydawnictwo od razu zdobyło przychylność europejskich krytyków.
Ubiegłoroczna 'When We Were Gentle', pełna magicznych, wręcz hipnotyzujących ballad, autorstwa wokalistki i jej męża - Nicolaia Munch-Hansena. Niespieszne, eleganckie, a jednocześnie pełne cudownej dezynwoltury piosenki są wypadkową tego co robiły Tori Amos, Joanna Newsom, Portishead, Flunk czy Mazzy Star. Za produkcję muzyczną obu powyższych płyt odpowiedzialny był John Parish (także gra na płytach), znany głównie ze współpracy z P.J.Harvey, ale także Tracy Chapman i Rokią Traore.
Dorobek Dunki poszerzył się w tym roku, kiedy do sprzedaży trafiła trzecia płyta wydana przez audiofilską oficynę Stunt Records 'The Cabin Project'. Jest to płyta sygnowana przez dwie wokalistki, obok Kira Skov jest to Marie Fisker. Wokalistka o głębokim, przepięknym głoście. Muzyka niczym róża - połączenie delikatności i kobiecości z tajemniczością oraz ukłuciami kolców. Tworzy muzykę, która jest połączeniem rock'a, blues'a i country. Nagrała do tej pory jeden pełnowymiarowy album "Ghost Of Love" (2009), EP-kę "Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror" (2011) oraz "So, Hoes & Heroes" (2012). Marie Fisker łączy w przepiękny sposób tworzy unikatowe brzmienie. Bez kombinatorstwa. Bo go nie potrzeba.Wystarczy jej ujmujący głęboki głos i umiejętność wytworzenia małymi nakładami dźwięków niepowtarzalnej atmosfery.
'The Cabin Project' to dziesięć pięknych, lirycznych, bardzo minimalistycznych piosenek, z wyjątkiem trzech, własnego autorstwa obu pań.
Jest to płyta o dużej rozpiętości emocjonalnej, które zaskakują pomysłowością w łączeniu różnych motywów, na której to co bardzo osobiste miesza się z tym wykreowanym, wymyślonym, a jedno pracuje na drugie. Jak we wspomnieniach, w których wypełnia się własną wyobraźnią, to, co się zapomniało, nawet nie zdając sobie z tego sprawy. Przede wszystkim obecne są tutaj – poza zaznaczaną mimochodem zmysłowością – melancholia i tęsknota.
A sentymentalnych wycieczek w krainę melancholii nigdy za wiele.
autor: Paweł Matuła
‘The Cabin Project’ jest dostępne na dwóch nośnikach:
CD w cenie 56,99 zł
Vinyl 1LP+CD w cenie 99,99 zł
Editor's info:
The two singers / composers Kira Skov and Marie Fisker have joined forces in a new constellation named The Cabin Project.As both well-established solo artists with each their own productions this new joint project is set for release 1st of September 2014.
In the spring of 2013 they went to Canada's deep forests to isolate themselves in a cabin for 9 days with Oliver Hoiness (guitar) and Ned Ferm (sax). Here they recorded an album in collaboration with the legendary engineer and producer Mark Howard, best known for his 23 -year partnership with Daniel Lanois (Bob Dylan, Marianne Faithfull, Iggy Pop, Neil Young ...). The result is a deep, raw and soulful album. Roots of the classical songwriting like L. Cohen infused by playfulness and a unique futuristic dare.
¨It has been a very wonderful and special adventure to make this record. Mark's recording methods and inspiration, the wild nature around us, our impulsive development in the process and exchange of ideas as well as the live performing ... it's been very intense, challenging and a wonderful experience! The maze of sometimes not being able to separate the two voices while recording worked as a very inspiring mirror and as a unifying melting pot! ¨
Kira and Marie's friendship reaches back to their early teens when they originally started singing together, but it was not till 2007, where they appeared together in a Danish national TV programme about Johnny Cash, that the idea of recording an album together was fostered. They both felt an obvious urge to explore the two voice potentials in tangling and incorporating a united expression. This seems to open up for a sound that is unique for the two of them, inviting them both to explore other musical worlds than the ones they have access to on their own. The guitarist / composer Oliver Hoiness has with his unique talent influenced the process and the overall universe of sound a great deal. Inspired by hip hop, free improvisation, African highlife to indie singer- song writer style he is fortunately hard to pin down as a musician with many colours. Ned Ferm (US) is another excellent soloist in the project. A multi-instrumentalist on flute, violin, keyboard, drums, etc. A musician with a very original character and nerve. Ned is a highly skilled Jazz musician as well as a bluegrass song writer and musician of free improvisation.
Editor's info:
The two singers / composers Kira Skov and Marie Fisker have joined forces in a new constellation named The Cabin Project.As both well-established solo artists with each their own productions this new joint project is set for release 1st of September 2014.
In the spring of 2013 they went to Canada's deep forests to isolate themselves in a cabin for 9 days with Oliver Hoiness (guitar) and Ned Ferm (sax). Here they recorded an album in collaboration with the legendary engineer and producer Mark Howard, best known for his 23 -year partnership with Daniel Lanois (Bob Dylan, Marianne Faithfull, Iggy Pop, Neil Young ...). The result is a deep, raw and soulful album. Roots of the classical songwriting like L. Cohen infused by playfulness and a unique futuristic dare.
¨It has been a very wonderful and special adventure to make this record. Mark's recording methods and inspiration, the wild nature around us, our impulsive development in the process and exchange of ideas as well as the live performing ... it's been very intense, challenging and a wonderful experience! The maze of sometimes not being able to separate the two voices while recording worked as a very inspiring mirror and as a unifying melting pot! ¨
Kira and Marie's friendship reaches back to their early teens when they originally started singing together, but it was not till 2007, where they appeared together in a Danish national TV programme about Johnny Cash, that the idea of recording an album together was fostered. They both felt an obvious urge to explore the two voice potentials in tangling and incorporating a united expression. This seems to open up for a sound that is unique for the two of them, inviting them both to explore other musical worlds than the ones they have access to on their own. The guitarist / composer Oliver Hoiness has with his unique talent influenced the process and the overall universe of sound a great deal. Inspired by hip hop, free improvisation, African highlife to indie singer- song writer style he is fortunately hard to pin down as a musician with many colours. Ned Ferm (US) is another excellent soloist in the project. A multi-instrumentalist on flute, violin, keyboard, drums, etc. A musician with a very original character and nerve. Ned is a highly skilled Jazz musician as well as a bluegrass song writer and musician of free improvisation.
The two singers / composers Kira Skov and Marie Fisker have joined forces in a new constellation named The Cabin Project. As both well-established solo artists with each their own productions this new joint project is set for release 1st of September 2014.
In the spring of 2013 they went to Canada's deep forests to isolate themselves in a cabin for 9 days with Oliver Hoiness (guitar) and Ned Ferm (sax). Here they recorded an album in collaboration with the legendary engineer and producer Mark Howard, best known for his 23 -year partnership with Daniel Lanois (Bob Dylan, Marianne Faithfull, Iggy Pop, Neil Young ...). The result is a deep, raw and soulful album. Roots of the classical songwriting like L. Cohen infused by playfulness and a unique futuristic dare.
¨ It has been a very wonderful and special adventure to make this record. Mark's recording methods and inspiration, the wild nature around us, our impulsive development in the process and exchange of ideas as well as the live performing ... it's been very intense, challenging and a wonderful experience! The maze of sometimes not being able to separate the two voices while recording worked as a very inspiring mirror and as a unifying melting pot! ¨
Kira and Marie's friendship reaches back to their early teens when they originally started singing together, but it was not till 2007, where they appeared together in a Danish national TV programme about Johnny Cash, that the idea of recording an album together was fostered. They both felt an obvious urge to explore the two voice potentials in tangling and incorporating a united expression. This seems to open up for a sound that is unique for the two of them, inviting them both to explore other musical worlds than the ones they have access to on their own. The guitarist / composer Oliver Hoiness has with his unique talent influenced the process and the overall universe of sound a great deal. Inspired by hip hop, free improvisation, African highlife to indie singer- song writer style he is fortunately hard to pin down as a musician with many colours. Ned Ferm (US) is another excellent soloist in the project. A multi-instrumentalist on flute, violin, keyboard, drums, etc. A musician with a very original character and nerve. Ned is a highly skilled Jazz musician as well as a bluegrass song writer and musician of free improvisation.
Kira Sko: vocals, guitar
Marie Fisker: vocals, guitar
Ned Ferm: saxophones, flute, keyboards, fiddle, drums, backing vocals, piano
Oliver Hoiness: guitars, keyboards, piano, samples
Anna Bromsted: additional backing vocals on 'My Bride, piano on 'Lost Something In The Hills"
1. Come Rain
2. My Bride
3. Oxygen
4. Johnny Guitar
5. Orgelsten
1. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
2. Hostile Face
3. I Lost Something in the Hills
4. Portrait of a Winking Nun
5. Seize My Ease
1. Come Rain
2. My Bride
3. Oxygen
4. Johnny Guitar
5. Orgelsten
6. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
7. Hostile Face
8. I Lost Something in the Hills
9. Portrait of a Winking Nun
10. Seize My Ease
wydano: 2014-11
more info:
www.sundance.dkmore info2: