
Jakob Dinesen / Anders Christensen / Paul Motian: Dino

66,99 zł


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Straightahead / Mainstream Jazz
premiera polska:
Wydawnicto Audiofilskie

kontynent: Europa
kraj: Dania
opakowanie: Digipackowe etui
Jakob Dinesen jest jednym z najbardziej rozchwytywanych duńskich muzyków jazzowych. Ten 41-letni dziś saksofonista w swojej karierze nagrywał z muzykami z różnych kultur (Afryki, Kuby czy Australii), wraz z formacją Once Around The Park poszukiwał nowych jazzowych ścieżek w gąszczu elektroniki i nowych brzmień, nagrywał też duetowe sesje z wokalistą i gitarzystą Paulem Banksem oraz soulową formacją Hanne Boel. Na swej najnowszej autorskiej płycie pojawia się u boku dwóch znakomitych muzyków - legendarnego już perkusisty Paula Motiana oraz swojego stałego już współpracownika Andersa Christensena.

AUDIO - Wykonanie * * * */ Nagranie * * * * *:
Wysoko ceniony duński saksofonista tenorowy jest absolwentem bostońskiego Berklee College of Music i ma na koncie dokonania z udziałem wybitnych jazzmanów amerykańskich.
W tej sesji nagraniowej uczestniczył (zresztą nie po raz pierwszy z Dinesenem) zmarły dwa lata temu wielki perkusista Paul Motian oraz znakomity duński kontrabasista Anders Christensen. Płyta "Dino" powstała wprawdzie w 2008 r., ale została wydana rok temu.
Jakob Dinesen preferuje specyficzną formę narracji, pełną lekkości, swobody i liryzmu, co upodabnia go do Lestera Younga. Słuchając jego tenoru, odnosimy wrażenie, że może on improwizować bez wytchnienia, tak zrelaksowane jest to swingowanie.
Specjalnie nie dyscyplinuje go swobodna gra Motiana, który podczas tej sesji unika (tak typowych dla siebie) asymetrycznych akcentacji w takcie i podkreśla skutecznie linię melodyczną. Zatem cała dbałość o puls rytmiczny spoczywa na barkach dzielnego Christensena, który doskonale sprawdza się w tej roli.
Program otwiera legendarny utwór "Come Sunday" Duke`a Ellingtona i w zbliżonym stylu są skomponowane kolejne ballady Dinesena. Nie wszystkie nagrania dokonane w słynnym nowojorskim studio Avatar spełniają standard audiofilski, ale to - z pewnością tak.
autor: Cezary Gumiński

Editor's info:
Jakob Dinesen is without a doubt one of Denmark's busiest and most significant jazz musicians. Jakob Dinesen (or DINO as he is known among friends) is unique on the Danish jazz scene - or more to the point: the Danish music scene as a whole, for he is no puritan. The 41-year old saxophonist plays in an endless variety of constellations and idioms: Collaborations with African musicians, Cuban and Australian musicians, duo with vocalist and guitarist Paul Banks, with Hanne Boel's soul band. In Once Around The Park, Beautiful Day, a jam session in Christiania, in Hugo Rasmussen's swing group. And in the summer, one may often find him playing on the street with friends. We could go on and on - the world is his stage. He is a traveler in music in the very best sense. Wherever it's happening, that's where you will find him. However, there is another side to Jakob Dinesen. The side, which is on an uncompromising quest to find his very own original voice. Dino has recorded with legendary drummer Paul Motian before, and in October 2008, he returned to New York, to the Avatar Studio in Manhattan, to continue their collaboration. With bassist Anders Christensen to complete the trio, the session resulted in a crisp, midnight blue CD that emphasizes textures and moods rather than show-off paces. DINO is a wonderful pearl of a CD: Unpresumptuous, sensual, brave and sensitive by a musician who works with detail, lucidity and tranquility. Music to enjoy in quiet hours of absorption or leisure. Jakob Dinesen has been described as a virtuosic musician of massive expressive powers, a masterful interpreter of the great tenor tradition in jazz. His tonality is progressive while still based in tradition - one leg comfortably settled in post-bebop, and one in something that sounds like modern 'right-now'. 'An open mind makes all the difference', says Dinesen He has recorded several records in his own name, and worked as a sideman or co-leader on numerous others. Twice he has won a Danish Grammy for Jazz Album of the Year: In 1997 with Once Around The Park, and in 2000 for his collaboration with Kurt Rosenwinkel on EVERYTHING WILL BE ALLRIGHT. In 2004, Dino received the prestigious Danish jazz award, the JAZZPAR, which for 15 years honored a long list of jazz personalities. The prize allowed him to put together a group of his choice, which resulted in the Danish Grammynominated release LADY WITH A SECRET featuring Eddie Gomez and Nasheet Waits among others. Dino began playing sax at the age of 16. He studied at Berklee College of Music (1990-91), and graduated from The Rhythmic Conservatory in Copenhagen (1994-99). It was probably Once Around The Park that first made larger audiences aware of his extraordinary talent. The band took its name from a composition by Paul Motian. Motian has been a great source of inspiration for Dinesen, and in 2000 he recorded AROUND with Motian and Kurt Rosenwinkel. Now, once again in the company of Motian (and Anders Christensen), he celebrates new musical triumphs.

Jakob Dinesen:tenor saxophone
Anders Christensen: bass
Paul Motion: drums

1. Come Sunday
2. Night Of The Strooch
3. Justice
4. Tennesee Waltz
5. Ochun
6. Darwin
7. Onlyest Way
9. Heart Of A Fool
9. Butterfly Man
10. Dance On Roses
11. Good Onions

wydano: 2009-02
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Stunt Records (DK)
Jakob Dinesen / Anders Christensen / Paul Motian
tenor saxophone
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