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Ethno Jazz/Free Improvisation/Avant-Garde
premiera polska: 13.05.2013
kontynent: Ameryka Północna
kraj: USA
opakowanie: Jewelcaseowe etui
Editor's Info:
Indian-American Jazz Saxophonist Rudresh Mahanthappa Releases Kinsmen - A Visionary Synthesis of Modern Jazz and South Indian Music Kinsmen is a groundbreaking project by alto saxophonist Rudresh Mahanthappa (roo-DRESH muh-HAHN-tha-pa) that melds jazz with South Indian music into a single organic whole. Mahanthappa, recently named a Top 10 alto saxophonist in the 2008 DownBeat Critic's Poll, is one of the most innovative young musicians in jazz today. Kinsmen is his collaboration with Kadri Gopalnath, a living legend of Indian music known as "The Emperor of the Saxophone," a true innovator in bringing the saxophone to Indian classical music.
The music on Kinsmen, featuring their co-led Dakshina Ensemble, is exemplar of successful multicultural, transnational collaboration.
Utilizing his extensive knowledge of both jazz and the traditional melodic and rhythmic concepts of Indian music, Mahanthappa has masterfully provided a framework that has brought out the best in all the musicians, resulting in spectacular interaction and virtuosic displays from Gopalnath, A. Kanyakumari on violin and Rez Abassi on guitar. The band also features Poovalur Sriji on Mridangam (South Indian barrel drum), Carlo de Rosa on acoustic bass and royal hartigan on drums.
For Mahanthappa, who grew up in Boulder, Colorado to Indian immigrant parents, the pull of Indian classical music didn't come until his college years, when he toured India with the Berklee College of Music All-Stars and was lucky to attend an all-night concert outside of Bangalore where he heard both Carnatic (South Indian) and Hindustani (North Indian) music performed by greats such as Parween Sultana and Chitti Babu. As a young jazz musician, Rudresh saw the parallels between Indian music and jazz with both being improvised art forms with inherently strong rhythmic propulsion. Though he grappled for a way to embrace his Indian-American identity through his music, Rudresh could not find a clear entry point as he had no awareness of any saxophone tradition in classical Indian music. Then one evening, moments after the conclusion of one of his recitals at Berklee, Rudresh's older brother gave him a CD (as congratulatory gift and as a joke) called Saxophone Indian Style by Kadri Golpalnath. A complete eyeopener, the CD provided a doorway into the realm of musical possibilities for Rudresh through which he could finally engage the music of his ancestry.
A few years later, Mahanthappa managed to meet Kadri backstage at a Carnatic concert in Boston. Golpalnath was not only ecstatic to meet an Indian-American jazz saxophonist, but one of South Indian Rudresh Mahanthappa
Rudresh Mahanthappa: alto saxophone
Kadri Gopalnath: saxes
A. Kanykumari: violin
Rez Abbasi: guitar
Carlo de Rosa: bass
Poovalur Sriji: mridangam
Royal Hartigan: drums
1. Introspection
2. Ganesha
3. Rez-Alap
4. Longing
5. Snake!
6. Carlo-Alap
7. Kalyani
8. Kadri-Alap
9. Kanya-Alap
10. Convergence
more info: www.pirecordings.com
more info2: www.rudreshm.com