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Avant Jazz / Free Improvisation / Avant-Garde
premiera polska: 2001-09-06
seria wydawnicza: OGY SERIES
opakowanie: Triplefoldowe etui
Editor's info:
The word (Abacus) has two meanings, according to the Concise Oxford, it's a frame used for counting or calculation, and -in architectural circles- it's that
flat bit at the top of a column. ...Abacus, subtitled 'Partita for piano, saxophone, bass, drums', is a jazz composition modeled on a baroque suite. Even in an age of global fusions and cultural collisions, this seems a little out of the ordinary. Not so to Law, who insists it's no big deal and says the idea came about quite naturally. "Baroque music is very close to me, I've been playing Bach all my life." - Graham Lock
John Lloyd: alto, soprano saxes
John Law: piano
Tim Wells: bass
Gerry Hemingway: drums, persuccion
more info: www.hathut.com