
Harvey Sorgen, Herb Robertson, Steve Rust: Rumble Seat

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„There are so many great project going on these days, it's hard to keep up sometimes!! With the onset of an early spring here in the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York, great energy seems to be coming out in all directions. Of course winter is not over yet and can rear a major storm at any time, I say...Bring it on!!!

This Spring will see the release of a new Trio record "Rumble Seat" which features Herb Robertson, Steve Rust, and myself. It seems like I have been playing with these musicians for longer that I can remember, and it is always an amazing experience.. This new CD features tunes by this collective, along with compositions written by it's members individually...

Herb is a true master and innovator in the worlds of trumpet playing and improvised music and is always a "go to guy" when it comes to pushing the music to unexplored heights. Steve's playing bridges the gap between "open" and "groove" (one in the same for me!). His awareness of sound and texture are the foundation in which all avenues are to be made "open for travel"
This CD to me is a statement as to what can happen sonically when "ego" is left at the door!”
Harvey Sorgen



Not Two (PL)
Harvey Sorgen / Herb Robertson / Steve Rust
Rumble Seat
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