In Search of a Standard

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Płyta 'In Search of a Standard' znalazła się w ekskluzywnym gronie corocznej ankiety All About Jazz, w kategorii Best New Release 2009 - Honorable Mantion. All About Jazz to dzisiaj najbardziej opiniotwórcze jazzowe medium na świecie. Warto dodać, że w tej samej ankiecie wytwórnia Leo Records zajęła trzecia lokatę wśród jazzowych wydawców:
All About Jazz Record Labels Of The Lear 2009:

2. ECM
3. LEO
Jeden z najciekawszych dzisiaj improwizujących muzyków z Rosji, trębacz Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky z pianistą/perkusistą Andrejem Kondakovem i Vladimirem Volkovem na kontrabasie nagrali wybitną płytę!
Z oczywistych powodów współczesna rosyjska scena jazzowa pozostaje raczej nierozpoznana, mam nadzieję, że omawiana płyta w minimalnym stopniu przyczyni się do rozbudzenia zainteresowania nie tylko tym, co przychodzi do nas z zachodu.
Kolektywne kompozycje trójki muzyków elektryzują i przykuwają uwagę słuchacza od pierwszych dźwięków, w większości przypadków punktem wyjścia jest jazzowy mainstream, jednak kierunki, w których podąża jazzowa narracja jest zaskakująca, czasami pojawiają się dźwięki znane z płyt Lestera Bowie z czasów 'The Great Pretender', innym razem dochodzą do głosu fascynacje klasyką jazzu spod znaku Duke'a Ellingtona czy Milesa Davisa. Nie przez przypadek tytuły oryginalnych kompozycji w bezpośredni sposób odwołują się do nich [Don't Take The "B" Train, Miles's Exercises, Unsophisticated Lady ...]
Pasja i ekspresja z jaką ci muzycy, od lat występujący ze sobą dają własną wykładnię jazzu jednoznacznie wskazuje, że mamy do czynienia z wielkim wydarzeniem.
Tej płyty po prostu nie można przegapić!
autor: Andrzej Majak

Editor's info:
The three leading Russian improvisers (Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky - trumpet, voice, Andrei Kondakov - piano, percussion, Vladimir Volkov - bass) have been playing together for several years. This time they have come up with a special project to compose their original pieces with references to jazz standards. The sensitive ear will recognize glimpses of Duke Ellington or Miles Davies. However, they are not aping Americans. Their references are a part of their original compositions.

All About Jazz:
The cleverness of improvisation plays an integral part of this Russian trio's compositions that merely reference jazz standards. The artists reconfigure and loosely interpret while injecting their personal insights. The program consists of thoroughly imaginative compositional vehicles, equating to a rather novel and prismatic string of musical iterations, spanning a wide spectrum of aspects.

"Don't Take The "B" Train" is the trio's reference to Duke Ellington's "Take The "A" Train," and is a freewheeling jaunt, spiked with avant-garde sound-mechanisms and a polyrhythmic reverse engineering foray. Here, trumpeter Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky's singing lines hint at Ellington's primary melody, and abetted by pianist Andrei Kondakov's rollicking piano voicings amid a throng of curves and dips.

Ellington's "Sophisticated Lady," is transgressed into the piece titled, "Unsophisticated Lady." In effect, the musicians remove the urbane element and cast a bluesy, laid-back vibe, complete with an emphatic rendering of the original tune's main theme. Then on "Standard," they completely redefine any notions of a jazz or pop standard via playful exchanges, false endings and staggered flows. Add some doses of humor with a horde of expand and contract maneuvers and you have a composition awash with free-form madness and transitory motifs. It's a rather ingenious affair, shaded with multi-genre components that project a thrilling and action-packed concept. The album breathes renewed life upon repeated listens and unequivocally serves as the antithesis to the tried and true.
By Glenn Astarita, ocena: * * * 1/2:
The liner notes state: "The concept of the CD was to compose pieces with reference to jazz standards". Those pieces are called : "Don't Take The "B" Train", "Wintertime", "Caravanserai", "Unsophisticated Lady", to name just a few. The trio is Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky on trumpet, Andrei Kondakov on piano and percussion, and Vladimir Volkov on bass. The end result leaves me a little perplex. The technical mastery is high, and a pleasure to hear, and so is their knowledge of styles and genres. Their approach to music is more ambiguous: at times very serious, but interspersed with entertaining factors, even little musical jokes, which would lead you to expect that they do not take themselves or the music too seriously, but then the music is. It gave me the same feeling that I had when listening to Lester Bowie's The Great Pretender many years ago. Is it authentic artistic expression, or is it just plain entertainment? It is both. It's the same with the style. Some pieces, like the sensitive "Wintertime", are quite mainstream, but then on other tracks, like "Caravanserai", or "Standard", they move into areas few mainstreamers would dare to venture, despite the melodious moments. It is all great, but somehow also so full of ambiguity and internal conflict that it is disturbing. At least to me.
by stef


Leo Records (UK)
Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky / Andrei Kondakov / Vladimir Volkov
In Search of a Standard
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