
Phronesis: Parallax

59,99 zł


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Modern Jazz / Indie Jazz
premiera polska:
Wydawnicto Audiofilskie

kontynent: Europa
opakowanie: plastikowe etui
8 kwietnia ukaże się kolejny album super tria Phronesis pod tytułem „Parallax". „Parallax" zostanie wydany na CD i na audiofilskim winylu. Tak jak poprzednie, wydana zostanie przez cenione, brytyjskie wydawnictwo Edition Records.

Phronesis założył duński kontrabasista Jasper Hoiby, do niego dołączył brytyjski pianista Ivo Neame i szwedzki perkusista Anton Eger.
Ich drugi album "Green Delay" był nominowany do Parliamentary Jazz Awards. Następny – "Alive" został płytą roku 2010 w magazynach Jazzwise i MOJO.
Ich koncertowa płyta "Life to Everything", nagrana w teatrze The Cockpit podczas London Jazz Festival 2013, zajęła drugie miejsce w rankingu krytyków brytyjskiego magazynu Jazzwise.
To dziś jeden z najbardziej ekscytujących zespołów na naszej planecie – napisał o nich Jazzwise.

Marek Dusza w Rzeczpospolitej tak pisał o koncercie na 18. Bielskiej Zadymki Jazzowej:
(...) Odkryciem pierwszego wieczoru festiwalu było międzynarodowe trio Phronesis, występujące w Polsce po raz pierwszy. Jeśli komukolwiek należy się scheda po szwedzkim trio e.s.t. to właśnie duńskiemu kontrabasiście Jasperowi Hoiby, brytyjskiemu pianiście Ivo Neame i szwedzkiemu perkusiście Antonowi Egerowi. Muzycy zabrali słuchaczy w podróż w nieznane rejony jazzowej improwizacji, zaprezentowali oryginalne brzmienie tria i intrygujące kompozycje (...)

Dziennikarz Polskiego radia Piotr Bielawski tak opisał występ na 18. Bielskiej Zadymki Jazzowej:
(...) Na początek zabrzmiał utwór "Upside Down" międzynarodowego Phronesis Trio. - Oni rządzą formą, najpierw ją sobie wymyślają, a potem kotłują w niej emocje. Oni nie budują napięcia, a toczą swoją opowieść. Robią to tak, że każdy może to zrozumieć (...)

” Parallax” jest dostępny na dwóch nośnikach:
CD w cenie 55,99 zł i Vinyl 1LP 180gram w cenie 99,99 zł

Wybrane cytaty z recenzji płyt Phronesis:
“One of the most exciting bands on the planet today" JAZZWISE

"Look out for Phronesis - they might change your life!" SEAN RAFFERTY ('IN TUNE' BBC RADIO 3)

"It’s three minds operating as one, a deep, almost uncanny empathy that stands them apart from any other piano trio in Europe" - JON NEWEY (EDITOR - JAZZWISE)

“...the most electrifying experience to be had in British jazz" THE TELEGRAPH

“The most exciting and imaginative piano trio since EST" JON NEWEY (EDITOR JAZZWISE)

“Anyone who doubts there’s a UK jazz scene worth taking note of should listen to Phronesis, who are proof positive that we have bands that are worthy of jazz’s premier league right on our doorstep"

“As the pile of talented and exciting piano trios continues to grow ever higher, it takes a very talented and exciting threesome to rise to the top and stay there. Enter Phronesis." ALLABOUTJAZZ

“a group at the peak of its creative powers…with total confidence in their own abilities" JAZZMANN

"A frenetic grooving, great young band with bags of confidence" TIME OUT

“Phronesis creates music from the heart and soul, and makes the world just that little bit better “ ALLABOUTJAZZ

“Perhaps it’s the emotional volatility that ultimately makes Phronesis so different and appealing. Whatever, the music comes up as fresh as paint." MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS

"A piano trio with both chops and attitude" MONTREAL GAZETTE

'LIFE TO EVERYTHING' (Edition Records 2014)
“...captures the coiled-spring energy that’s made them a European festival favourite...Once in, there’s no coming up for air." DOWNBEAT

“The trio comprising Phronesis complement each others' sound more than perfectly, making them an extremely powerful trio who are ready to explode onto this summer's festival circuit." Jazzmozaiek Magazine

"...a striking and a highly enjoyable range of all-original music...Contemporary trio jazz of the highest order and as such, totally recommended." JAZZ JOURNAL

“...this latest recording by Phronesis confirms their standing as one of the premier piano jazz trios on the block in Europe" UK VIBE

“ This is a terrific album in every way possible – go there." JAZZ VIEWS

"From the outset...the intricate, syncopated bass lines of Hoiby underpin the frenetic drum groove of Eger, while elsewhere the spirit of leaderlessness ebbs and flows, as Neame's spiralling piano lines join the action." BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE

“Phronesis has certainly been stimulating minds and imaginations since the Anglo-Danish band burst into life in 2005, and this live album confirms its ability to concoct aural effervescence." SYDNEY MORNING HERALD

“All three musicians contribute three compositions here and they are all of a piece, merging dramatic bowed melodies, bright, chiming piano patterns and a carnival-like joie de vivre that puts the listener almost onstage with the band." THE GLASGOW HERALD

“A live album is exactly just the way to get the current Phronesis message across, and this is a powerful one." THE GUARDIAN

“The improvisational prowess, creative energy and intense group interplay familiar from those studio albums are equally evident here, but cranked up a notch with the additional spark and spontaneity provided by the live environment" THE SCOTSMAN

“Is this not a piano trio of the present, simultaneously so variable in pace and so precise in interaction, the significance of their compositions beautiful, balanced and always striking?" JAZZ PODIUM (GERMANY)

“...for some years now the best piano trio this side of the ocean. Nothing less!" JAZZ MAGAZINE (FRANCE)

‘one of the best and most exciting albums you are gonna hear this year.' JAZZISM (THE NETHERLANDS)

"For people who desire one of the best jazz albums of the year, this is actually a must!" JAZZENZO (THE NETHERLANDS)

"The great 'Life To Everything' is one of the best and most exciting jazz albums that you're going to hear this year." WRITTEN IN MUSIC (THE NETHERLANDS)

"It is undisputed that his young jazz group stands foremost in contemporary jazz, and they made this record this special by its minimalist character. " PAT-SOUNDS (THE NETHERLANDS)

“...a wonderful attack and swing combined with a unified precision." THE NORTHERN ECHO

“For my money this is one of the most exciting jazz bands currently working anywhere in the world. With this album – three tunes from each of the musicians – the band sounds to me like it has reached yet another new peak in what I thought was already a Himalayan range of both recorded and live highs." THE JAZZ BREAKFAST

“This is contemporary jazz at its most thrilling, creative and airborne. Energy, intensity and interaction are in full flight." MUSIC OMH

"More proof, as if it were needed, that Phronesis are one of the most continually exhilarating outfits on the circuit." THE QUIETUS

“Bristling with invention and combining musical muscularity with a deep emotional sensitivity, the spectacular set confirms that there is no UK trio better than them at the moment." RECORD COLLECTOR

‘...their ability to build a complex lattice of sound and then stretch it this way and that can be thrilling’. THE TIMES

‘This live recording from two nights "in the round" at Marylebone's The Cockpit for last year's London Jazz Festival displays their collective chops to often thrilling effect’. INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY

"Life to Everything (a quote from Plato, no less) crackles with creative energy, a worthy document of a group reaching the zenith of their powers" THE IRISH TIMES

“As live albums go, you’d be hard-pressed to find better." THE IRISH EXAMINER

‘How do you top such a high quality live album as Alive? Phronesis just have’. JAZZWISE

'One of the best and most exciting albums you are gonna hear this year’. JAZZISM

‘This album, recorded over three shows at last year’s London Jazz Festival, captures their energy in full, and shows why they are so popular on the international circuit’. FT

“I’m a big fan...A beautiful & chaotic conversation between three amazing musicians…" JAMIE CULLUM, BBC RADIO 2


“Phronesis’ fifth album, Life to Everything is quite simply one of the best albums you will hear this year! And their best!" ONLY JAZZ BLOG

“With its irresistibly catchy hooks, transfixing solos and a remarkable equipoise of complexity and simplicity, Life to Everything captures the Phronesis sound to perfection." THE ARTS DESK

“... an emphatic recording from a band still filled with the enthusiasm of a group at its debut gig. " ALL ABOUT JAZZ

‘It all makes for compelling listening and is a great advert for the live band. Buy the CD. Go and see them’. LONDON JAZZ

‘WALKING DARK’ (Edition Records 2012)
"With Walking Dark, Hoiby, Neame and Eger might soon be very big names indeed." BBC MUSIC

“Walking Dark confirms their position as one of the great piano trios of our time. “ THE ARTS DESK

“the secret of Phronesis is it stands for more than the sum of its parts and this outstanding album has got to be the best example of that to date." JAZZWISE

“This is arguably the best disc yet from one of the best of the bunch of contemporary bands." BARRY WITHERDEN, BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE
“Hoiby is one of the most arresting bassists on the contemporary scene, his sound at once lithe and sonorous, his solos compulsively listenable, and with the unshowy but fluent piano of Neame and the cracklingly energetic drumming of Eger driving the band, Walking Dark is Phronesis's most accomplished album to date." CHRIS PARKER (LONDONJAZZBLOG)

‘ALIVE’ (Edition Records 2010)

"Alive sounds like one of the hot UK jazz-album contenders of 2010" GUARDIAN ****

" ’Alive’ is about as exciting as it can get without actually seeing this band live and in the flesh" JAZZWISE ****

“The sort of album that should get bigger jazz names quaking in their

“This scorching live set fizzes with a post-EST/Avishai Cohen-style energy, replete with sunny Mediterranean Brazilian flourishes and depth-charge basslines" TIME OUT ****
Editor's info:
Extraordinary communication between the players is often the foundation of extraordinary music making – as Phronesis prove every time they play. Years of performing, touring and recording have given the three members of the trio a matchless rapport. That inspires an ever-flowing fountain of new music, captured to perfection on this, the Anglo-Scandinavian trio’s sixth CD and their fourth for Edition Records.

Recorded in a single day at London’s fabled Abbey Road studios, Parallax is a brilliantly realised piece of music-making. It has all the standout features of the trio’s work. Rhythmic drive. Constant shifts in mood and texture. Drama heightened by dazzlingly fast reactions. All leavened by a melodic sense all three draw on as much when improvising as composing.

There are new elements to enjoy, too. Pianist Ivo Neame’s Manioc Maniac displays a stronger spicing of humour. Jasper Hoiby’s Stillness, featuring the composer’s bowed bass, explores a contemplative mood less prominent in their earlier work. Fans of their more up tempo excursions also have plenty to enjoy, though – witness percussionist Anton Eger’s opener, 67,000mph, named for the earth´s speed around the sun.

All are enhanced by the endless rewarding details the three together offer as each piece unfolds. It’s an indispensible feature of their live shows which is captured here to perfection in a studio recording. This is truly collective music-making, in composition – with each of the trio contributing three of the nine titles – and in supremely interactive performances that display a brand of musical wit that captivates audiences.

All three players have remarkable facility, giving the unadorned, purely acoustic trio some of the strongest bass playing, fleetest piano, and most orchestral percussion you have ever heard. The music they make is lithe and supple, with the added spark that takes such fluid mobility beyond mere gymnastics on to balletic heights.

Each player writes for the trio knowing that their work will be taken somewhere different each time it is performed. They negotiate sometimes complex arrangements while retaining a spontaneity of suggestion and response that keeps the listener on the edge of their seat every time. The nine versions of new pieces captured here achieve a rare thing that only jazz at its very best can offer – music, created in the moment, that lasts.

Jasper Hoiby: double bass
Ivo Neame: piano
Anton Eger: drums

1. 67000 mph – Anton Eger
2. Ok Chorale – Ivo Neame
3. Stillness – Jasper Hoiby
4. Kite For Seamus – Ivo Neame
5. Just 4 Now – Jasper Hoiby
6. Ayu – Anton Eger
7. A Silver Moon – Jasper Hoiby
8. Manioc Maniac – Ivo Neame
9. Rabat – Anton Eger

total time - 56:52
wydano: 2016-04-08
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Edition Records (UK)
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