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Zasady reklamacji
Piano Jazz / Straightahead / Mainstream Jazz
premiera polska: 2022-07-15
kontynent: Ameryka Północna
kraj: USA
opakowanie: Jewelcaseowe etui
Czy instrumentalna muzyka, zrelaksowana i czasami zabarwiona melancholią, może nadal wywoływać przyciągać uwagę i wprawiać w dobry humor? Te tylko pozornie sprzeczne uczucia rodzą się z każdą kolejną minutą trwania płyty "The Lights Are Always On". Poruszające melodie, doskonałe indywidualne ekspozycje i mistrzowska, bez wysiłkowa praca tego trio imponują.
Album jest dopiero szesnastym albumem pianistki Lynne Arriale, jako lidera i drugim nagranym wraz z perkusistą E.J. Stricklandem i holenderskim basistą Jasperem Somsenem.
Znajdujemy tutaj dziesięć oryginalnych kompozycji Arriale, zadedykowanych tym pracownikom służby zdrowia, którzy wytrwali na pierwszej linii frontu pandemii COVID-19, ryzykując swoim życiem - podobnie jak ratownicy ataku na trzy wieże w NY 11 września, jak wyjaśnia w 16-stronicowej książeczce.
Utwór tytułowy, napisany na cześć chirurga z Tacoma, dr Prakasha Gady, oferuje ruchliwą, zapętloną melodię, zbudowaną na kanciastej linii basu i ujmującej, niespiesznej fortepianowej improwizacji, pierwszej z wielu na płycie.
Niemal każdy utwór jest hołdem oddanym kolejnej osobie lub grupie, która okazała się niezastąpiona podczas pandemii. "Sisters" honoruje kobiety walczące z nierównością płci. Kompozycja rozwija się gospelowych rytmach i akordach. Z kolei "March On", zadedykowany aktywistom walczącym z instytucjonalnym rasizmem i seksizmem, to przede wszystkim wspaniały, żwawy dialog Somsena i Stricklanda.
Arriale również oddaje hołd amerykańskim patriotom, w dostojnym, pastelowym jednocześnie "Honor" (dedykacja dla podpułkownika Alexandra Vindmana). "The Notorious RBG" to hołd dla nieżyjącego już sędziego Sądu Najwyższego, hymniczny "Walk in My Shoes" z kolei dedykuje nieżyjącemu już kongresmanowi i obrońcy praw obywatelskich Johnowi Lewisowi.
Płytę kończy bujna ballada "Heroes", finał doskonały.
by Philip Booth
Lynne Arriale to jedna z najbardziej ekscytujących pianistek współczesnego jazzu. Była gościem pierwszej Ery Jazzu w 1998 roku ! Odtąd występowała na najważniejszych estradach świata budując swoja karierę i nienaganną, jazzową reputację. Dzisiaj Lynne Arriale to – jak określa The Guardian „ poetycka laureatka swojego pokolenia”. Jest konsekwentnie chwalona jako pianistka, liderka zespołu i kompozytorka. Jazz Times napisał: „ Nawiązuje wyjątkową, głęboką więź ze swoją publicznością, a energia płynie w obie strony. Emocjonalna autentyczność Arriale pozwala jej widzom czuć i myśleć razem z nią”.
Najnowszy album „The Lights Are Always” (szesnasty w bogatej dyskografii pianistki) ukazuje ponownie Lynne Arriale jako wrażliwego kompozytora oraz wirtuozerską pianistkę jazzu. Oryginalna muzyka albumu „The Lights Are Always” odzwierciedla kompozycjami oraz interpretacją zmieniające życie wydarzenia na całym świecie z ostatnich dwóch lat. Kilka utworów zostało nazwanych na cześć bohaterów, którzy służyli jako opiekunowie pandemii oraz jako obrońcy demokracji. Sekcję znamienitego Lynne Arriale Trio tworzą basista ( i współproducent) Jasper Somsen i perkusista ( także gość Ery Jazzu) E.J. Strickland, obaj wybitni, poszukiwani muzycy na międzynarodowej scenie jazzowej. Trio tworzy rodzaj wciągającej muzycznej rozmowy, która – co dokumentują także wcześniejsze albumy pianistki – jest znakiem rozpoznawczym zespołów i muzyki Lynne Arriale.
Autor: Dionizy Piątkowski
Editor's info:
The Lights Are Always On is pianist/composer Lynne Arriale’s 16th album as leader, and her third recording on Challenge Records International. Lynne’s original music is a suite of compositions that reflect the world-wide, life-changing events of the past two years. Several of the pieces are named in honor of heroes around the world, including those who served as caregivers on the front lines of the COVID pandemic and as defenders of democracy.
On this session Lynne is joined by bassist/co-producer Jasper Somsen and drummer E.J. Strickland, both outstanding, in-demand musicians on the international jazz scene. The trio creates the sort of engrossing musical conversation that has become a trademark of Lynne’s groups.
Lynne’s ten original, highly evocative compositions begin with the persistent Afro-Cuban influenced “March On,” a tribute to activists worldwide. “The Lights Are Always On” features a lyrical melody in perpetual motion; the foundation of a thematic arc that soars over the entire piece. It is followed by the jubilant, gospel-influenced “Sisters.” Lynne’s dedication to Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, “Honor,” is the melding of two engaging melodic ideas; each reinforcing the other. Together they convey the heroic character and unwavering strength of this American patriot. “Loved Ones” expresses joyful appreciation for those who are precious to us.
The set continues with “Sounds Like America,” where Lynne creates an optimistic melody and solo, culminating in a celebratory chordal finish. “The Notorious RBG,” is an exuberant dedication to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, assertively propelled by drummer E.J. Strickland. Following that, Lynne and Jasper deftly navigate the angular harmonic construction of “Into the Breach,” Lynne’s ominous remembrance of the January 6th Insurrection and the heroes that saved democracy on that day. “Walk in My Shoes,” a dedication to civil rights icon John Lewis, reflects the tenacity and strength of this remarkable leader. Lynne begins her solo with two motivic statements, which she skillfully integrates into a cohesive, powerful performance. The album concludes with “Heroes”, a heartfelt ballad composed in recognition of those who enlightened a very dark period in our history, and who embody the greatest humanistic virtues of mankind.
The title of the project was inspired by Dr. Prakash Gada, an esophageal and robotic surgeon in Tacoma, Washington. Lynne explained, “This collection was inspired by the doctor and all front-line health care workers. For me, Dr. Gada crystallized the workers’ heroism; each day bearing the risk of personal infection, and enduring the emotional toll of staggering caseloads presented by this global crisis. Nevertheless, the doctor said, ‘Here I am back at work after COVID…I fled Kuwait after the invasion. No matter what happens, no one works at home. The lights are always on. Babies are being born; bones are being set. This hospital, this profession…..we are in a league of our own; we’ll take care of you, I promise. I stand next to the most fearless people I have ever seen.’ ”
“Dr. Gada’s words deeply moved me and evoked memories of 9/11. In the aftermath of that attack, I remembered the rescue workers who ran into the towers without hesitation or concern for their personal safety, and thought, ‘Who are these angels?’ Clearly, the angels of our time are Dr. Gada and all health care workers, professionals and volunteers alike, who battle COVID-19.
“Dr. Gada’s ‘lights’ illuminate hospitals and emergency care facilities. But there is also spiritual light in the humanity, compassion, and courage of Dr. Gada and all our angels; shining brightly and eternally, even in the midst of devastation and loss.”
“There is always reason to believe in that light; the inherent goodness of people. It shines in those leaders who spoke truth to power and stood up for what is right. They changed the world, often jeopardizing their careers, and in some cases, their lives.
“In appreciation of these heroes I offer this musical tribute. It is dedicated to our loved ones, and to our better angels; those who embrace truth, compassion, and inclusivity, and reject selfishness, lies, and hatred. It also acknowledges the marchers, my beautiful sisters worldwide, and the heroes of science and medicine who have sacrificed so much.
"The album also expresses my special admiration for the character of Representative John Lewis, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the patriots of the Capitol Police who stepped into the breach risking their lives to defend our elected representatives and our democracy during the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.”
About the artist
“One of the most exciting pianists in contemporary jazz” (The Guardian- UK),
pianist Lynne Arriale has performed on international concert stages over the past 25 years. Jazz Police called her "the poet laureate of her generation". She has been consistently praised as having a "singular voice" as a pianist, bandleader and composer. JazzTimes said of her, “Lynne Arriale’s music lies at the synaptic intersection where brain meets heart, where body meets soul. She is one of jazzdom’s most intensely unique voices."
Lynne was the first prize winner of the 1993 International Great American Jazz Piano Competition. Her 15 albums as a leader have topped the JazzWeek radio charts including: Inspiration #1, Arise #1, Come Together #3, Nuance #4, Convergence #4, Chimes of Freedom #8 and were recognized on numerous "Best Of" lists, including The New Yorker and United Press International. LIVE (CD/DVD) was named one of UPI’s Best Jazz CDs and among The New Yorker magazine’s Best CDs of the year. Solo was named one of the top CDs of 2012 by JAZZIZ magazine, and Convergence was named one of the top 50 CDs of 2011 by JazzTimes. Her release, Give Us These Days, was included in the top Jazz CDs of 2018 by Jazz History Online and the Best New Jazz Releases of 2018 by Artsfuse. Chimes of Freedom was named one of the Best CDs of 2020 by Downbeat and Best Jazz Instrumental Releases of 2020 by Jazz History Online. Lynne was voted #13, #17 and #18 in the piano category for the 2015, 2016 and 2018 Downbeat Reader's Poll.
She toured Japan with “100 Golden Fingers”, a group that included iconic jazz pianists Tommy Flanagan, Hank Jones, Monty Alexander, Cedar Walton, Kenny Barron, Harold Mabern, Roger Kellaway, Junior Mance and Ray Bryant. She has performed and/or recorded with jazz masters, Randy Brecker, George Mraz, Benny Golson, Rufus Reid, Larry Coyell and Marian McPartland, to name a few.
The world's great jazz festivals and concert stages have invited Lynne to perform, including five performances at the Kennedy Center and additional performances at Lincoln Center, Montreux, Burghausen, Gilmore, Spoleto Arts, Montreal, Monterey, North Sea, Stuttgart, Pori, San Francisco, Ottawa, Zagreb, Perth, Brisbane, Rouen, Cannes MIDEM, Sardinia, Rochester, Wigan, Poznan, Estoril, Palermo, Inverness, Cork and San Javier.
Lynne’s tours have taken her to Brazil, Germany, Austria, Serbia, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, France, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Australia, Japan, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, China, South Africa and the U.S.
Lynne Arriale - Piano
Jasper Somsen - Double bass
E.J. Strickland - Drums
1. March On (04:59)
2. The Lights Are Always On (03:23)
3. Sisters (05:15)
4. Honor (dedicated to Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman) (04:26)
5. Loved Ones (03:27)
6. Sounds Like America (04:43)
7. The Notorious RBG (dedicated to Ruth Bader Ginsburg) (04:47)
8. Into the Breach (04:37)
9. Walk in My Shoes (dedicated to John Lewis) (04:24)
10. Heroes (04:17)
wydano: 2022-03
nagrano: Recorded in August and September 2021 at The Bunker Studios, New York City & Wageningen, The Netherlands.
more info: www.challenge.nl