
Tree Ear: Witches Butter

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Avant Jazz / Free Improvisation / Avant-Garde
premiera polska:
opakowanie: kartonowe etui
opis: - ocena * * * *:
Tree Ear, formacja złożona z trójki wybornych instrumentalistów, amerykańskiego perkusisty Gerry'ego Hemingway'a, szwajcarskiego gitarzysty Manuela Trollera i szwajcarskiego saksofonisty/klarnecisty Sebastiana Strinninga przedstawia debiutancki album pod frapującym tytułem "Witches Butter".

Siedem kolektywnych kompozycji, mnóstwo rozwijanych ad hoc muzycznych mikroscenariuszy, układa się w piękne historie, zmysłowo zagrane i perfekcyjnie zrealizowane pod względem akustycznym.

Już przy pierwszym przesłuchaniu słychać, że mamy do czynienia z trójką równorzędnych partnerów, nie jesteśmy w stanie określić, kto jest liderem, choć przez wzgląd na wiek i dorobek naturalnym liderem powinien być Gerry Hemingway. Jednak tak nie jest.
Doskonała technika trójki muzyków, wyrazistość artystyczna, pewność brzmieniowa, logiczna dramaturgia przebiegu muzycznej narracji, wzmocnione przez kontrolowaną energię dają fantastyczny efekt.
autor: Mariusz Zawiślak
Copyright © 1996-2018 Multikulti Project. All rights reserved

Editor's info:
In 2009 American percussionist and composer Gerry Hemingway relocated in Luzern, Switzerland, and found himself in a thrivingcommunity of musicians and artists with whom he has forged new relationships. Chief among those relationships are the guitarist Manuel Troller and saxophonist and bass clarinetist Sebastian Strinning. As a group they began exploring their collective invention in 2013 in Luzern. Now Tree Ear offers the international community an inspired crystallization and synthesis of their musical thinking in the powerful debut CD/LP "Witches Butter”. As the cover and the titles reveal the stakes and the willingness to take risks are high and consequently the results for us to hear are compelling and breathtaking. Hemingway, Troller and Strinning recognize the value and importance of being fluent in non-idiomatic as well as idiomatic musical vocabularies, all of which play a role in the content of what you hear presented in this exciting new release.

Hemingway is familiar to many Clean Feed listeners from his prolific manifestations as a composer, percussionist and improvisor. He is restless in his desire to explore new territories of artistic creation and with that continually forgingnew relations in his expanding artistic community. He as well believes in and maintains long and rich musical relationships over many years such as BassDrumBone which celebrates it’s 40th anniversary in 2017.

Recorded February 27 & 28, 2016 at Bau 4, Altbüron, Switzerlandby Gerry Hemingway
Recording edited and mixed by Gerry Hemingway
Mastered by Nate Wood at Kerseboom MasteringProduced by Tree Ear
Executive Producer Pedro Costa -Trem Azul
Front cover & inside cover photographs by Rob Nienburg
Photo Design by Gerry Hemingway
Cover Design by Travassos

Sebastian Strinning: tenor saxophone, bass clarinet
Manuel Troller: guitar
Gerry Hemingway: drums, voice

1) Range of Hands 8:36
2) Third Man Walking 6:33
3) Witches Butter 5:58
4) Big Blind 3:23
5) Drag Light 4:48
6) Kill Button 6:44
7) Reraise 6:04

All Compositions by Sebastian Strinning(SUISA), Manuel Troller (SUISA), Gerry Hemingway (GEMA/BMI)

wydano: 2017-11
nagrano: Recorded February 27 and 28, 2016 at Bau 4, Altbüron, Switzerland

more info:



Clean Feed (POR)
Tree Ear [Sebastian Strinning, Manuel Troller, Gerry Hemingway]
Witches Butter
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