
Angles 9: In Our Midst [Vinyl 1LP]

116,99 zł


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Avant Jazz / Free Improvisation / Avant-Garde
premiera polska:
kontynent: Europa
kraj: Szwecja
opakowanie: Singlefoldowe etui

opis wydawcy:
Martin Küchen - szwedzki saksofonista, który ma opinię jednego z najbardziej niezwykłych improwizatorów w Europie, wirtuoza saksofonu, odważnego i bezkompromisowego artysty, który równie dobrze radzi sobie w składach free-jazzowych, jak i w projektach skręcających w stronę ponadgatunkowej awangardy.
W młodości występował jako perkusista i wokalista rockowy, by z czasem skupić swoje zainteresowania na muzyce jazzowej i improwizacji. Grywał na ulicy i w sztokholmskim metrze, ale też przez kilka tygodni podróżował po Afryce, gdzie grał z lokalnymi artystami. Wszystkie te doświadczenia miały wpływ na oryginalny styl gry Küchena. Znany z kilku znakomitych jazzowych zespołów ,pisze też muzykę teatralną i tworzy instalacje dżwiękowe.

W 2007 roku Martin Küchen uformował Angles 6, składający się ze szwedzkich muzyków: Magnus Broo, Mats Äleklint, Mattias Stahl, Johan Berthling i Kjell Nordeson. W tym samym roku zarejestrowali drugi koncert zespołu, w Sztokholmie, który stał się podstawą ich pierwszego albumu: „Every woman is a tree”, wydanym w 2008. Kolejne wydania również dotyczyły muzyki „live” – „na żywo”: Epileptical West (Live in Coimbra) wydany w 2010 roku, oraz „By Way of Deception” (Live in Ljubljana) w 2012 roku. W tym czasie, do zespołu dołączyli Alexander Zethson i Eirik Hegdal, natomiast Goran Kajfes zastąpił Magnusa Broo, zespół urósł do „ośmiokąta” – Angles 8. Na koncertach w Sztokholmie i Hasselt w Belgii, w październiku 2012 Küchen zapytał trębacza Magnus Broo by dołączył do zespołu, tworząc Angles 9, zespół w jego obecnej formie.

Guy Peters, znany recenzent muzyczny, pisał o 9 Angles po ich koncercie w Hasselt:
„To było nie mniej niż triumf. Ekscytująca impreza egzaltacji i koloru, emocjonalny roller coaster, uderzenie w brzuch. Nie dostaniesz tego często w tak kompletny sposób, jak ten. Angles 9 to zespół, który na ten moment, nie może być pobity.” - ocena: * * * * / * * * * *:
One of last year’s highlights was Angles 8’s sprawling By Way of Deception, an album that introduced an expanded line-up and featured liner notes by Free Jazz blog founder Stef Gijssels. After two previous releases on Clean Feed, By Way of Deception showed that there was still room for bandleader Martin Küchen’s vision to grow, with pianist Alexander Zethson greatly expanding the group’s rhythmic foundation, and Eirik Hegdal’s additional saxophone further broadening the band’s sonic palette.

On Clean Feed’s latest venture into the LP resurgence, Angles has expanded yet again, adding trumpeter Magnus Broo back into the fold after his absence on By Way of Deception. (It should be noted the band has grown even more since this recording, appearing at Jazzfestival Saalfelden this summer as a 10-piece with an additional drummer). A single LP, In Our Midst feels like a quick update, an intermediate document that serves as a snapshot of the band as it continues to evolve.

In Our Midst opens with a new eponymous track, a smoldering piece that builds a typically wistful melodic theme over slow-motion afrobeat rhythms. Angles’ music has always been deceptively simple and completely unsubtle at first blush. In reality, it’s meticulously crafted, emotive music that’s continually reborn as the musicians explore the possibilities in songs they have become intimately familiar with (Küchen doesn’t write anything down—the group learns and internalizes the music through Küchen’s demonstrations). Angles has in spades what many improvising groups have trouble conjuring: visceral emotional impact. It’s a music that aims to deliver to the listener even the smallest notion of its creator’s incredible passion. Huge rhythmsand dulcet counterpoint, playfulness and humor juxtaposed with plaintive melody, the fact that all of their albums have been live concert recordings: all of these serve as direct conduits of music-making passion. An Angles tune is designed to elevate musician and listener together to a shared, ecstatic plane. Foremost, it is a music of feeling.

One of the many pleasures of following Angles over the years has also been hearing the wayKüchen’s pieces have developed along with the band. The overlap in tunes on previous albums continues here: In Our Midst’s other offerings include “Every Woman is a Tree” from their debut, and the title track from last year’s By Way of Deception. “Every Woman is a Tree” has a fairly standard jazz tune structure, and has served as one of few vehicles for extended soloing by Küchen. Here, it takes on an all-new intensity, beginning with an angular piano vamp before ramping up to the head. The band now has many more possibilities behind the long solo in the mid-section: first, a monstrous bearing-down on the hypnotic beat; then multi-octave rephrasings of the main theme; finally, out-and-out improvised mayhem. The song sounds more urgent and cathartic than ever before. Similarly, “By Way of Deception” feels far more primal, the band muscling through the first portion of the song like brutes on a rampage.

On one level, you could say In Our Midst is more of the same from Angles. To my mind, that will continue to be a reason to get excited. But it’s a sentiment that oversimplifies: these songs may be familiar, but like the very best musical acts, Angles makes them feel new each time they’re heard.
By Dan Sorrells

Editor's info:
By now, and after listening to “Every Woman is a Tree”, “Epileptical West” and “By Way of Deception”, you certainly identified what makes Angles’ music so unique: Martin Kuchen’s band plays a sad melody like if it’s an epical hymn. With the original sextet turned to a nonet, there’s even more bravado. This is political music without lyrics, music with an attitude and a message, and it tells us about human suffering due to wrong decisions by powers and interests worldwide.
Kuchen could deal only with the suffering, in the Romantic way established in music since the 19th century, but he chooses to transform sadness into rage and will to change, and what would be simple ballads or blues songs into something that sounds as bright and colorful as an opera or a symphony, but with a groovy feeling. The words are in the emotional expression of all the instruments and it really seems they talk to you, thanks to the extraordinary skills of the musicians involved in this LP (the second vinyl recording released by Clean Feed), the crème de la crème of the Nordic scene. Angles 9 is the European equivalent to Charlie Haden’s Liberation Orchestra: a punch in your conscience.

Martin Küchen: Alto Saxophone
Eirik Hegdal: Baritone Saxophone
Johan Berthling: Double Bass
Andreas Werliin: Drums
Alexander Zethson: Piano
Mats Äleklint: Trombone
Goran Kajfes, Magnus Broo: Trumpet
Mattias Ståhl: Vibraphone

A1. In Our Midst
A2. Every Woman Is A Tree

B1. By Way Of Deception

wydano: 2013-11-13
nagrano: Recorded October 13th, 2012 at Kunstencentrum Belgie, Hasselt, Belgium
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Clean Feed (POR)
Angles 9
In Our Midst [Vinyl 1LP]
Vinyl 1LP
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