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Harmonica Blues
premiera polska: 2010-07-20
kontynent: Ameryka Północna
kraj: USA
opakowanie: Jewelcaseowe etui
Ta istniejąca od 1991 roku grupa prowadzona przez harmonijkarza Pierre'a Lacocque'a i wokalistkę Inettę Visor to dzisiaj jedna z ciekawszych grup chicagowskiego bluesa, na najnowszej płycie usłyszymy gościnnie gitarzystę Carla Weathersby i w trzech utworach Johna Primera, spadkobiercę tradycji Muddy'ego Watersa i Willie'go Dixona. Mocny i chropowaty w swoim brzmieniu (słychać to szczególnie w partiach wokalnych charyzmatycznej Inetty Visor), porywający instrumentalnie (gitarzyści zachwycają instrumentalną swobodą) blues Mississippi Heat może przyprawić o prawdziwy zawrót głowy.
Nie dziwi fakt, że grupa powstała w Chicago, To właśnie tam pierwsi królowie bluesa zaczęli łączyć go z muzyką jazzowych grup. Tam powstawały pierwsze nagrania bluesowe. Chicagowski blues przechodził różne zmiany i rewolucje, między innymi za sprawą takich nagrań jak 'Let's Live It Up' Mississippi Heat uzasadnione jest twierdzenie, że stolicą światowego bluesa nadal jest Chicago!
Editor's info:
Let's Live It Up is Mississippi Heat's third recording for Delmark. For this outing, the band recorded 14 new original songs, eleven by leader, harmonica player Pierre Lacocque. Special guest John Primer sings on 3 cuts. Another great blues guitarist Carl Weathersby and keyboardist Chis "Hambone" Cameron can be heard throughout the album. Inetta Visor sings on 8 tunes, while singer Rhonda Preston delivers two songs. The Chicago Horns, percussionist Ruben Alvarez, and background vocalists also appear on this exciting and best Mississippi Heat recording to date. More Mississippi Heat on Delmark: One Eye Open, Live at Rosa's (CD DE783, DVD 1783), Hattiesburg Blues (DE795).
All About Jazz:
Formed in 1991, Mississippi Heat has become one of the more popular modern blues bands out of Chicago. Led by harmonica great Pierre Lacocque, this high-energy ensemble has released nine recordings with a rotating cast of top-notch talent. On Let's Live it Up!, the group delivers a rocking set with the help of earthy vocalist Inetta Visor and guitar greats John Primer and Carl Weathersby.
The bulk of the disc's material is written by Lacocque and covers all the essential blues grooves, from straight-forward shuffle ("Steadfast, Loyal, and True," "Daggers & Spears") and up-tempo jump ("Jumpin' in Chi-Town," "Betty Sue"), to minor-key rockers ("She Died From a Broken Heart," "Been Good To You"). An inspired cover of Sugar Pie DeSanto's "I Want to Know," featuring Weathersby's Albert King-inspired plucking, settles into a relaxed blues mambo supported by Kenny Smith's soulful drumming and bassist Stephen Howard.
Guitarist Primer, whose impressive resume includes stints with Muddy Waters and Willie Dixon, plays and sings with a swinging intensity on three tracks, including his own "I Got Some News Today." As exceptional as Primer and Weathersby are, the bulk of the guitar soloing on the disc comes courtesy of Giles Corey, whose style is unique and somewhat more edgy.
Chris "Hambone" Cameron provides solid support on organ and piano, occasionally stepping into the spotlight, as on the opening title track, playing clever unison lines with Lacocque. With the addition of a strong four-piece horn section on a handful of tracks, Let's Live it Up! turns out to be nothing short of a raucous, well-conceived good time.
By John Barron
Pierre Lacocque: harmonica
Inetta Visor: vocals
Rhonda Preston: vocals
John Primer: guitar, vocals
Carl Weathersby: guitar
Giles Corey: guitar
Chris "Hambone" Cameron: organ, piano, clavinet
Stephen Howard: bass
Kenny Smith: drums
Andrew "Blaze" Thomas: drums
Ruben Alvarez: percussion
Kay Reed: background vocals
Mae Koen: background vocals
Vanessa Holmes: background vocals
Kenny Anderson: trumpet
Hank Ford: tenor saxophone
Bill McFarland
Sam Burkhardt: alto saxophone
1. Let's Live it Up
2. Steadfast, Loyal, and True
3. Jumpin' in Chi-Town
4. She Died From a Broken Heart
5. Betty Sue; Another Sleepless Night
6. Peace Train
7. Been Good To You
8. I Want to Know
9. Enlighten Me
10. Daggers & Spears
11. Don't Cry For Me
12. I Got Some News Today
13. Until We Meet Again
wydano: 2010
more info: www.delmark.com
more info2: www.mississippiheat.net